Short CV


Selected publications (1997 -)





1. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
    Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization, MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2001

2. A.S. Nemirovsky, D.B. Yudin,
    Problem Complexity and Method Efficiency in Optimization J.Wiley & Son, 1983

3. Yurii Nesterov , Arkadii Nemirovskii ,
    Interior Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming, SIAM Series in Applied Mathematics, 1994

4. Ben-Tal, A. , El Ghaoui, L., Nemirovski, A. ,
    Robust Optimization , Princeton University Press 2009

5. Juditsky, A. , Nemirovski, A. ,
    Statistical Inference via Convex Optimization, Princeton University Press 2020

 Lecture Notes

1. A. Nemirovski,
    Efficient Methods  in Convex Programming
2. A. Nemirovski
    Interior Point Polynomial Time Methods in Convex Programming (Lecture Notes and Transparencies)
3. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
    Optimization III: Convex Analysis, Nonlinear Programming Theory, Standard Nonlinear  Programming Algorithms 2023
    (Lecture notes, Transparencies, Assignments)
4. A. Nemirovski,
Optimization II: Standard Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Continuous Optimization
5. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
    Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization 2021/2022/2023/2024 (Lecture notes, Transparencies)
6. A. Nemirovski,
    Topics in Non-Parametric Statistics, in: M. Emery, A. Nemirovski, D. Voiculescu, Lectures on Probability
    Theory and Statistics, Ecole d'ete de Probabilities de Saint-Flour XXVIII - 1998, Editor: P. Bernard, Lecture
    Notes in Mathematics # 1738, Springer, 2000

7. A. Nemirovski

   Lectures on Robust Convex Optimization ( Lecture notes, Transparencies)

8. A. Nemirovski,

    Introduction to Linear Optimization (Lecture Notes, Printed version, Transparencies)

9. A. Nemirovski,

   Mini-Course on Convex Programming Algorithms

10. A. Nemirovski

   Linear and Convex Optimization (Transparencies)

11. A. Juditsky, A. Nemirovski,

 Statistical Inference via Convex Optimization

( Lecture Notes   Solutions to exercises   Transparencies)

12. F. Kilinc-Karzan, A. Nemirovski,

 Essential Mathematics for Convex Optimization (to be published by Cambridge University Press)

(Lecture Notes Solutions to exercises   Transparencies)



        1. A. Nemirovski,
            Long-step method of analytic centers for fractional problems
- Mathematical Programming v. 77 (1997) No. 2, 191-224.
        2. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Stable Truss Topology Design via Semidefinite Programming - SIAM J. of Optimization v. 7 (1997), 991-1016.
        3. A. Goldenshluger, A. Nemirovski,
            Spatial adaptive estimation of functions satisfying differential inequalities - IEEE Transactions on Information
             Theory v. 43 (1997), 872-889
        4. A. Goldenshluger, A. Nemirovski,
            Spatial adaptive estimation of smooth nonparametric regression functions -Mathematical Methods of Statistics
            v. 6 (1997), 135-170

        1. Yu. Nesterov, A. Nemirovski
            Multi-parameter surfaces of analytic centers and long-step surface-following interior point methods
            Mathematics of Operations Research v. 23 (1998), 1-38.
        2. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Robust convex optimization - Mathematics of Operations Research v. 23 No.4 (1998)

        1. A. Nemirovski,
            On self-concordant convex-concave functions - Optimization Methods and Software v. 11-12 (1999), 303-384.
        2. A. Ben-Tal, M. Kocvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe,
            Free Material Design via Semidefinite Programming. The Multiload Case with Contact Conditions - SIAM J. of

           Optimization v. 9 (1999), 813-832, and SIAM Review v. 42 (2000), 695-715.
        3. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Robust solutions of uncertain linear programs - OR Letters v. 25 (1999), 1-13.
        4. A. Nemirovski, U. Rothblum,
            On complexity of matrix scaling - Linear Algebra and Applications v. 302/303 (1999), 435-460.
        5. A. Nemirovski, C. Roos, T. Terlaky,
            On maximization of quadratic form over intersection of ellipsoids with common center - Mathematical
             Programming v. 86 (1999), 463-473.

        1. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski
            Structural design via Semidefinite Programming - R. Saigal, H. Wolkowitcz, L. Vandenberghe, Eds.,
            Handbook on Semidefinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 443-468.
        2. A. Ben-Tal, L. ElGhaoui, A. Nemirovski
            Robust Semidefinite Programming - R. Saigal, H. Wolkowitcz, L. Vandenberghe, Eds. Handbook on
            Semidefinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 139-162.
        3.  A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Robust solutions of Linear Programming problems contaminated with uncertain data – Mathematical
            Programming v. 88 (2000), 411-424.
        4. A. Ben-Tal, T. Margalit, A. Nemirovski,
            Robust Modeling of Multi-Stage Portfolio Problems - in: H. Frenk, K. Roos, T. Terlaky, S. Zhang, Eds.,
            High Performance Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 303-328.

        5. Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

            Functional aggregation for nonparametric regression. – Annals of Statistics 28:3 (2000), 681-712


        1. A. Ben-Tal, T. Margalit, A. Nemirovski,
           The Ordered Subsets  Mirror Descent Optimization Method with Applications to Tomography - SIAM Journal on
           Optimization  12 (2001), 79-108
        2. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            On polyhedral approximations of the second-order cone, Mathematics of Operations Research  26:2

        1. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Robust Optimization - Methodology and Applications - Mathematical Programming Series B, 92 (2002),
        2. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            On approximate robust counterparts of uncertain semidefinite and conic quadratic programs --  Proceedings of
             20th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, July 23-27, 2001, Trier, Germany
        3. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski, C. Roos,
             Robust solutions to uncertain quadratic and conic-quadratic problems - SIAM Journal on Optimization  13
            (2002), 535-560.
        4. A. Juditsky, A. Nemirovski,
            On non-parametric tests of positivity/monotonicity/convexity - Annals of Statistics 30:2 (2002)
        5. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            On tractable approximations of uncertain linear matrix inequalities affected by interval uncertainty - SIAM
            Journal on Optimization 12 (2002), 811-833.

        1. A. Ben-Tal, A. Goryashko, E. Guslitzer, A. Nemirovski,
            Adjustable robust solutions of uncertain linear programs  - Mathematical Programming  99 (2004), 351-376.
        2. Barb, F.D., Ben-Tal, A., and Nemirovski, A.,
            Robust dissipativity of interval uncertain systems  - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization  41 (2003),
        3. Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A., Roos, C.,
            Extended Matrix Cube Theorems with applications to \mu-Theory in Control -  Mathematics of Operations
            Research  28 (2003), 497-523.
        4. Nemirovski, A.,
           On tractable approximations of randomly perturbed convex constraints -  Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE
           Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii USA, December 2003, 2419-2422.


        1. Nemirovski, A.,
            Prox-method with rate of convergence O(1/t) for variational inequalities with Lipschitz continuous monotone
            operators and smooth convex-concave saddle point problems - SIAM Journal on Optimization  15 (2004),


        2.  Eldar, Y.C., Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A.

            Linear minimax regret estimation of deterministic parameters with bounded data uncertainties –

            IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing 52 (2004), 2177--2188.

        3.  Nemirovski, A.
            Regular Banach spaces and large deviations of random sums


        1. A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovski,
            Restricted Memory Non-Euclidean Level Method for Large-Scale Convex Optimization  -  Mathematical
             Programming 102 (2005), 407-456 
        2. Nemirovski, A., Tuncel, L.,
            Cone-free path-following and potential reduction polynomial time interior point algorithms - Mathematical
            Programming 102 (2005), 261-295

         3. Eldar, Y., Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A.,

             Robust mean-squared error estimation in the presence of model uncertainties – IEEE Trans. On Signal

             Processing 53 (2005), 168-181

4.     Ben-Tal, A., Boyd, S., Nemirovski, A.

      Control of Uncertainty-Affected Discrete Time Linear Systems via Convex Programming

         5. Ben-Tal, A., Golany, B., Nemirovski, A., Vial, J.-Ph.,
             Supplier-Retailer Flexible Commitments Contracts: A Robust Optimization Approach - Manufacturing
             & Service Operations Management v. 7 No. 3 (2005) 248-273




1.     Ben-Tal, A., Boyd, S., Nemirovski, A.,

               Extending the Scope of Robust Optimization: Comprehensive Robust Counterparts of Uncertain Problems

                - Mathematical Programming 107:1-2 (2006), 63-89

2.  Nemirovski, A., Shapiro, A.,
     Scenario Approximations of Chance Constraints - in: Calafiore, G., Dabbene, F., Eds., Probabilistic
            and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty, Springer, 2006

         3.   Nemirovski, A., Shapiro, A.

               Convex Approximations of Chance Constrained Programs – SIAM Journal on Optimization 17:4 (2006),





1.     Nemirovski, A.,

               Advances in Convex Optimization: Conic Programming –  in Marta Sanz-Sol, Javier Soria,

               Juan L. Varona, Joan Verdera, Eds., Proceedings of International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid,

                August 22-30, 2006, Volume 1, EMS -European Mathematical Society Publishing House, April 2007, 413-444.

          2.   Nemirovski, A.
                Sums of Random Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Optimization under Orthogonality Constraints

                Mathematical Programming 109:2-3 (2007), 283-317.

          3.   Lu, Z.,  Monteiro, R.D.C., Nemirovski, A., 
             Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming via Saddle Point Mirror-Prox Algorithm – Mathematical Programming

                109:2-3 (2007), 211-237

4.      Gal, S., Landsverger, M., Nemirovski, A.

Participation in auctions – Games and Economic Behavior 60 (2007), 75-103.



           1.  Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A.

                Selected Topics in Robust Convex Optimization – Mathematical Programming, 112:1 (2008),  125-158

     2.   Nemirovski, A.,  Todd, M.

                Interior-point methods for optimization – Acta Numerica 17 (2008), 191—234

 3.  Judistky, A.,  Nemirovski, A.

                Large Deviations of Vector-Valued Martingales in 2-Smooth Normed Spaces

           4,  Nesterov, Yu., Nemirovski, A.

                Primal Central Paths and Riemannian Distances for Convex Sets – Foundations of Computational Mathematics

8:5 (2008), 533-560.



           1.  Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A.

     On Safe Tractable Approximations of Chance Constrained Linear Matrix Inequalities – Mathematics of Operations

     Research 34:1 (2009), 1-25.

           2. Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

    Nonparametric Estimation via Convex Programming – Annals of Statistics  37:5A (2009), 2278-2300

           3. Juditsky, A., Lan, G., Nemirovski, A., Shapiro, A.

      Stochastic Approximation approach to Stochastic Programming – SIAM Journal on Optimization 19:4 (2009),


   4.  Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

        Nonparametric Denoising Signals with Unknown Local Structure, I: Oracle Inequalities –  Applied

      And Computational Harmonic Analysis 27 (2009), 157-179.



    1. Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

        Nonparametric Denoising Signals with Unknown Local Structure,II: Nonparametric function recovery – Applied

     And Computational Harmonic Analysis 29 (2010), 354-367

2.  Nemirovski, A., Onn, S., Rothblum, U.

     Accuracy certificates for computational problems with convex structure – Mathematics of Operations

     Research 35:11 (2010), 52-78



             1. Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A.

                 On low rank matrix approximations with applications to synthesis problem in Compressed Sensing – SIAM

                 Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications  32:3 (2011), 1019-1029

             2. Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

     On Verifiable Sufficient Conditions for Sparse Signal Recovery via L1 Minimization  - Mathematical Programming Ser. B, 

     127 (2011), 57-88

      Download accompanying software (MATLAB on a Windows PC)

      V1 (with standalone .exe solvers)     V2 (with mex solvers)

             3. Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A.

                Verifiable conditions of \ell_1-recovery of sparse signals with sign restrictions – Mathematical Programming Ser. B,

                127 (2011), 89-122

             4. Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

                 Accuracy guarantees for \ell_1 recovery –  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57:12 (2011), 7818-7839

             5. Lan, G., Nemirovski, A., Shapiro, A.

                 Validation analysis of mirror descent stochastic approximation method – Mathematical Programming 134:2 (2012), 425-458.

             6.  Juditsky, A.,  Nemirovski, A., Tauvel, C.

                Solving variational inequalities with Stochastic Mirror-Prox algorithm  Stochastic Systems 1:1 (2011),

                DOI: 10.1214/10-SSY011, 17-58

             7. Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A., Polyak, B.T.,

                On the accuracy of \ell_1-filtering of signals with block-sparse structure -- in:

                J. Shawe-Taylor, R.S. Zemel, P. Bartlett, F. Pereira, K.Q. Weinberger, Eds.

                Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 (2011), 1666-1674.




1.      Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F.,Nemirovski, A.

                  MATLAB package for solving \min_x\{\|x\|_1:\|Ax-b\|_p\leq\delta\} (Manual, software)

2.       Nemirovski, A.,

On Safe Tractable Approximations of Chance Constraints - European Journal of Operational Research  219 (2012), 707-718

3.        Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

                 First order methods for nonsmooth convex large-scale optimization, I: General purpose methods

                 First order methods for nonsmooth convex large-scale optimization, II:  Utilizing problem’s structure

                 In: S. Sra, S. Nowozin, S. Wright, Eds., Optimization for Machine Learning, The MIT Press, 2012, 121-184

           4.   Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A.

                 Randomized first order algorithms with applications to \ell_1-minimization --  Mathematical Programming 142:1-2 (2013), 269-310

           5.   Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A., Polyak, B.

                 Accuracy Guarantees for \ell_1 recovery of block-sparse signals--  Annals of Statistics 40:6 (2012), 3077-3107

           6.  Juditsky, A., Kilinc Karzan, F., Nemirovski, A.

       On unified view of nullspace-type conditions for recoveries associated with general sparsity structures --

       Linear Algebra and its Applications 441 (2014), 124–151.





           1.   Nesterov, Yu., Nemirovski, A.

On first order algorithms for \ell_1/nuclear norm minimization --  Acta Numerica 22 (2013)

2.     Baes, M., Buergisser, M., Nemirovski, A. 

Randomized Mirror-Prox method for solving structured large-scale matrix saddle-point problems -- 

-- arXiv:1112.1274, SIAM Journal on Optimization 23:2 (2013)




1.   Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

                 On detecting harmonic oscillations -- arXiv:1301.5328, Bernoulli 21:2 (2015)  

2.     Cox, B., Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Dual subgradient algorithms for large-scale nonsmooth learning problems

-- arXiv:1302.2349, Mathematical Programming Series B, 148:1-2 (2014)

3.     Ben-Tal, A., Nemirovski, A.

On solving large scale polynomial convex problems  by randomized first-order algorithms

-– arXiv:1210.6853, Mathematics of Operations Research 40:2 (2015)




1.     Harchaoui, Z., Juditsky, A., , Z., Nemirovski, A.

Conditional Gradient Algorithms for Norm-Regularized Smooth Convex Optimization –

-- arXiv:1302.2325, Mathematical Programming 152:1-2 (2015)

2.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Solving Variational Inequalities with Monotone Operators on Domains Given by Linear Minimization Oracles

-- arXiv:1312.1073, Mathematical Programming, Online first: March 22, 2015

3.     Goldenshluger, A., Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Hypothesis testing by convex optimization -- arXiv:1412.1605, Electronic Journal of Statistics 9 (2015)


4.     Goryashko, A., Nemirovski, A.

Solving Optimization of energy cost in water distribution systems under uncertain demand

-- Automation and Remote Control 75:10 (2014), 1754-1769

5.     Nesterov, Yu., Nemirovski, A.

Finding stationary states of Markov chains by iterative methods

-- Applied Mathematics and Computation 255 (2015), 58--65

6.     Guzman, C., Nemirovski, A.

On Lower Complexity Bounds for Large-Scale Smooth Convex Optimization

-- Journal of Complexity 31 (2015), 1-14

7.     Ben-Tal, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

On solving large scale polynomial convex problems by randomized first-order algorithms

-- Mathematics of Operations Research 20:2 (2015), 474-494

8.     He, N., Juditsky, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

Mirror Prox Algorithm for Multi-Term Minimization and Semi-Separable Problems

-- Computational Optimization and Applications 61:2 (2015), 275-319

9.     Juditsky, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

On sequential hypotheses testing via convex optimization

-- Automation and Remote Control 76:5 (2015), 809-825

10.     Goldenshluger, A., Juditsky, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

Hypothesis testing by convex optimization

-- Electronic Journal of Statistics 9:2 (2015), 1645--1712

11.     Goldenshluger, A., Juditsky, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

Rejoinder of "Hypothesis testing by convex optimization"

-- Electronic Journal of Statistics 9:2 (2015), 1744--1748




1.     Juditsky, A., C., Nemirovski, A.

Solving Variational Inequalities with Monotone Operators on Domains Given by Linear Minimization Oracles

-- Mathematical Programming 156:1-2 (2016), 221--256

2.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Hypothesis Testing via Affine Detectors"

-- Electronic Journal of Statistics 10:2 (2016), 2204--2242




1.     Gordon, A., Nemirovski, A.

Absence of eigenvalues for quasi-periodic lattice operators with Liouville frequencies

-- International Mathematics Research Notices 2017:10 (2017), 2948-2963.

2.     Cox, B., Juditsky, A.,, Nemirovski, A.

Decomposition Techniques for Bilinear Saddle Point Problems and Variational Inequalities with Affine Monotone Operators

-- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 172:2 (2017), 402-435.

3.     Guigues, V., Juditsky, A.,, Nemirovski, A.

Non-asymptotic confidence bounds for the optimal value of a stochastic program

-- Optimization Methods and Software 32:5 (2017), 1033-1058




1.     Juditsky, A.,, Nemirovski, A.

Near-Optimality of Linear Recovery in Gaussian Observation Scheme under $\|\cdot\|_2^2$-Loss

-- Annals of Statistics 46:4 (2018), 1603-1629.

2.     Cao, Y., Guigues, V., Juditsky, A.,, Nemirovski, A., Xie, Y.

Change detection via affine and quadratic detectors

-- Electronic Journal of Statistics 12:1 (2018), 1-57.

2.     Juditsky, A.,, Nemirovski, A.

Near-Optimality of Linear Recovery from Indirect Observations

-- Mathematical Statistics and Learning 1:2 (2018), 171-225.




1.     Juditsky, A., Nazin, A.,, Nemirovski, A., Tsybakov, A.

Algorithms of Robust Stochastic Optimization Based on Mirror Descent Method

-- Automation and Remote Control 80:9 (2019), 1607–1627.

2.     Juditsky, A., , Nemirovski, A.

Signal Recovery by Stochastic Optimization

-- Automation and Remote Control 80:10 (2019), 1878–1893.




1.     Juditsky, A., , Nemirovski, A.

Near-Optimal Recovery of Linear and $N$-Convex Functions on Unions on Convex Sets

-- Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 9:2 (2020), 423-453.

2.     Guigues, V., Juditsky, A., , Nemirovski, A.

Hypothesis Testing via Euclidean Separation

-- Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincare, Probability and Statistics 56:3 (2020), 1929--1957.

3.     Juditsky, A., , Nemirovski, A.

Estimating Linear and Quadratic forms via Indirect Observations

-- Bernoulli 26:4 (2020), 2639--2669.

4.     Juditsky, A., , Nemirovski, A.

On Polyhedral Estimation of Signals via Indirect Observations

-- Electronic Journal of Statistics 14:1 (2020), 458-502.

5.     Kotsalis, G., Lan, G.,, Nemirovski, A.

Convex optimization for finite horizon robust covariance control of linear stochastic systems

-- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59-1 (2021), 296-319.

6.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.,, Xie, Yao, Xie, Liyan

Convex Parameter Recovery for Interacting Marked Processes

-- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 1:3 (2020), 799-813

7.     Guigues, V., Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Constant Depth Decision Rules for multistage optimization under uncertainty

-- -- European Journal of Operations Research 295:1 (November 2021), 223-232




1.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

On Well-Structured Convex-Concave Saddle Point Problems and Variational Inequalities with Monotone Operators

-- Optimization Methods and Software 37:5 (2022), 1567-1602

2.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Aggregating estimates by convex optimization

-- Mathematical Statistics and Learning 5:1/2 (2022), 55–116.

3.     Juditsky, A., Kotsalis, G., Nemirovski, A.

Tight Computationally Efficient Approximation of Matrix Norms with Applications

-- Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization 3:7 (2022), 1-38.




1.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

On Design of Polyhedral Estimates in Linear Inverse Problems

-- arXiv:2212.12516, submitted to SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science

2.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

Aggregating regular norms

-- arXiv:2210.16664, submotted to Israel Journal of Mathematics

3.     Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A., Zibulevsky, M.

Radiation design in computed tomography via convex optimization

-- arXiv:2301.03379




1.     Bekri, Y.,Juditsky, A., Nemirovski, A.

On Robust Recovery of Signals from Indirect Observations

-- arXiv:2309.06563, submitted to Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications


Selected presentations

        1. Nemirovski, A.
           What can be expressed via Conic Quadratic and Semidefinite Programming? (1998)
        2  A. Nemirovski,
           The Matrix Cube Theorem (2001)
        3. Nemirovski, A.,
            Mathematics of Robust Optimization (2003)
        4. Nemirovski, A.,
            De-Noising Signals of Unknown Local Structure (2003)
        5. Nemirovski, A.
            Cone-free primal-dual polynomial time interior point methods (2003)
        6. Nemirovski, A.
            Beyond the scope of  interior-point methods:  Simple methods for extremely large-scale convex programs

        7. Nemirovski, A.

              Robust Optimization and Dynamical Decision-Making (2005)

       8. Nemirovski, A.

              Selected Topics in Robust Convex Optimization (2006)

       9. Nemirovski, A.

              Advances in Convex Optimization: Conic Programming (2006)

     10. Nemirovski,A.

              Robust Convex Optimization (2007)

     11. Nemirovski, A.

              Acceleration via Randomization: Randomized First Order Algorithms for Large-Scale Convex Optimization (2009)

     12. Nemirovski, A.

              On recent trends in large-scale Convex Optimization (2009)

     13. Nemirovski, A.

              Tutorial on Mirror Descent for Dererministic and Stochastic Convex Optimization (2012)



     14. Juditsky, A. Nemirovski, A.

              Some Applications opf Convex Optimization in Control and Statistics (2024)



Selected Theses of my Students

Some of my Technion M.Sc. and Ph.D. students with good theses left Academia without submitting papers to academic journals.

In order to make the results of their research available, I put their Theses below.


  1. Dmitry Gabelev (M.Sc. Thesis in OR and System Analysis, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,

Technion, 2003): Polynomial time cutting plane algorithms associated with symmetric cones


  1. Daureen Steinberg (M.Sc. Thesis in OR and System Analysis, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,

Technion, 2005): Computation of matrix norms with applications to Robust Optimization


3. Eitan Rubinstein (joint supervision with Dr. Michael Zibulevski, M.Sc. Thesis in OR and System Analysis, Faculty

of Electrical Engineering, Technion, 2005): Support Vector Machines via advanced optimization techniques


  1. Elena Olvovski (joint supervision with Prof. Alex Ioffe and Prof. Arie Leizarovitz, Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics, Faculty

of Mathematics, Technion, 2006): Novel gradient-type optimization algorithms for extremely large-scale nonsmooth

convex optimization