ISYE 7661: Linear Inequalities

Instructor: Mohit Singh
Office: Groseclose Building 410
Lecture: TU,TH 1:30PM-2:45PM
Office Hours: TU 3:00PM-4:00PM

Course Description:

We will study the theoretical foundations of linear and integer programming with focus on algorithmic results. Topics covered will include algorithms for linear programming, polarity, diophantine approximation, lattices, basis reduction, algorithms for integer linear programming, totally unimodularity, Total dual integrality.


Additional Reading:



Lectures and Readings:

Lecture 1 (8/22): Complexity of Linear Equations.
Lecture 2 (8/24): Gaussian Elimination, Euclid's Algorithm.
Lecture 3 (8/29): Lattice, Hermite Normal Form.
Lecture 4 (8/31): Integral Farkas Lemma, Algorithm for HNF.
Lecture 5 (9/5): Minkowski's Theorem.
Lecture 6 (9/7): Gram Schmidt Orthogonalization, LLL algorithm.
Lecture 7 (9/19): Applications of LLL, shortest vector problem, Dirichlet's theorem.
Lecture 8 (9/21):Special Lecture: ATSP talk by Laszlo Vegh.
Lecture 9 (9/25): Fundamental theorem of Linear Inequalities.
Lecture 10 (9/26): Farkas Lemma, Linear inequalites.
Lecture 11 (9/28):