C. F. J. Wu (1973). A note on convergence rate of the strong law of large numbers. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 1, 121-124.
C. F. J. Wu (1982). Some algorithms for concave regression and isotonic regression. TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences, 19, (Optimization in Statistics) 105-116, North Holland.
L. Y. Deng and C. F. J. Wu (1983). Estimation of variance of the ratio estimator: an empirical study. Scientific Inference, Data Analysis, and Robustness (G. E. P. Box et al., Ed.), 245-277, Academic Press.
S. G. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1984). Consistent directions of the least squares estimator in linear models. Statistical Theory and Data Analysis (K. Matusita, ed.), 763-782, North Holland.
C. F. J. Wu (1986). Maximum likelihood recursion and stochastic approximation in sequential designs. Adaptive Statistical Procedures and Related Topics (J. Van Ryzin, ed.), IMS Monograph Series, 8, 298-313.
C. F. J. Wu (1988). Optimal design for percentile estimation of a quantal response curve. Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments (Y. Dodge et al., Ed.) 213-223, North Holland.
S. S. Mao, F. S. Ma, and C. F. J. Wu (1990). Sequential elimination of levels: an investigation method using orthogonal arrays. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 6, 185-204. (in Chinese with English abstract).
C. F. J. Wu, S. S. Mao and F. S. Ma (1990). SEL: A search method based on orthogonal arrays. Statistical Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments ( S. Ghosh, ed.), 279-310, Marcel Dekker.
M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1992). Analysis of designed experiments with complex aliasing.Journal of Quality Technology, 24, 130-137. (winner of the Brumbaugh Award). (Reproduced and included in Volume 7 of The Best on Quality, International Academy for Quality, 1996, ASQC Quality Press.)
J. Armstrong and C. F. J. Wu (1992). A sample allocation method for two-phase survey design. Survey Methodology, 18, 251-262.
J. N. K. Rao, C. F. J. Wu and K. Yue (1992). Some recent work on resampling methods for complex surveys. Survey Methodology, 18, 209-217.
D. X. Sun and C. F. J. Wu (1993). Statistical properties of Hadamard matrices of order 16. In Quality Through Engineering Design ( W. Kuo, Ed.), 169-179, Elsevier.
Yijie D. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2017). Bayesian cubic spline in computer experiments."Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification" (Eds. R. Ghanem, D. Higdon, and H. Owhadi), Volume 1, 477-495, CRC Press.
Su, Heng and C. F. Jeff Wu (2017). Funnel testing in webpage optimization: representation, design and analysis.
Statistical Theory and Related Fields (Taylor Francis), 1, 3-14.
R. Mukerjee, C. F. J. Wu and M. C. Chang (2017). Two-level minimum aberration designs under a conditional model with a pair of conditional and conditioned factors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 997-1016.
R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2018). Prediction based on the Kennedy-O\92Hagan calibration model: asymptotic consistency and other properties Statistica Sinica, 28, 743-759.
C. F. J. Wu (2018). A fresh look at effect aliasing and interactions: some new wine in old bottles (with discussions) Ann. Inst. Stat. Math., 70, 249-268 (written version of the 2016 Akaike Memorial Lecture.)
S. Mak, C. L. Sung, S. T. Yeh, X. Wang, Y. H. Chang, V. R. Joseph, V. Yang, and C. F. J. Wu (2018). An efficient surrogate model for emulation and physics extraction of large eddy simulations Journal of American Statistical Association, 113, 1443-1456.
S. T. Yeh, X. J. Wang, C. L. Sung, S. Mak, Y. H. Chang, C. F. J. Wu and V. Yang (2018). Data-driven analysis and mean flow prediction using a physics-based surrogate model for design exploration. AIAA Journal , 56(6): 2429-2442
S. Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2018). cmenet: a new method for bi-level variable selection of conditional main effects. Journal of American Statistical Association, 114, 844-856.
H. Su, R. Tuo, and C. F. J. Wu (2019). PIG Process: joint modeling of point and integral responses in computer experiments. J. Quality Technology, 9, 331-349.
S. Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2019). Analysis-of-marginal-Tail-Means: a new method for robust parameter optimization. Technometrics, 61, 545-559.
D. Wang, Y. Tian, and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Comprehensive comparisons of major sequential design procedures for sensitivity testing. J. Quality Technology, 52, 155-167.
C. L. Sung, Y. Hung, W. Rittase, C. Zhu and C. F. J. Wu (2020). A generalized Gaussian process model for computer experiments with binary time series. Journal of American Statistical Association, 115, 945-956.
W. Wang, R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2020). On the prediction properties of kriging: uniform error bounds and robustness. Journal of American Statistical Association, 115, 920-930.
R. B. Chen, Yuan Wang and and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Global optimization of expensive functions using adaptive RBF-based surrogate model via uncertainty quantification. J. Global Opt., 77, 919-948.
C. L. Sung, Y. Hung, W. Rittase, C. Zhu and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Calibration for computer experiments with binary responses. Journal of American Statistical Association, to appear.
R. Tuo, Y. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2020). On the improved rates of convergence for kernel ridge regression, with application to Gaussian process models SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, to appear
Y. Hung, L. H. Lin and C. F. J. Wu (2021). Varying coefficient frailty models with applications in single molecular experiments. Biometrics, to appear.
(b) Submitted
Y. H. Chang, L. Zhang, S. T. Yeh, X. J. Wang, S. Mak, C. L. Sung, C. F. J. Wu, and V. Yang (2019). Kernel-smoothed proper orthogonal decomposition (KSPOD)-based emulation for spatiotemporally evolving flow dynamics prediction. AIAA Journal, submitted.
S.-T. Yeh, S. Mak, X. J. Wang, Y. Li, C. F. J. Wu, and V. Yang (2017). Identification and quantification of response to intrinsic combustion dynamics in a rocket injector. Combustion and Flame, submitted.
Wenjia Wang, X. Yue, B. Haaland, and C. F. J. Wu (2019). Gaussian process with input location error
and applications to the composite parts assembly process. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty
Quantification, submitted.
Zhehui Chen, Simon Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2019). A hierarchical expected improvement method
for effective Bayesian optimization. Submitted.
Y. Hung, L. H. Lin and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Optimal simulator selection. Submitted.
(c) Books
G. E. P. Box, T. Leonard and C. F. J. Wu (1983, Joint Editors). Scientific Inference, Data Analysis and Robustness. Academic Press.
C. F. J. Wu and M. S. Hamada (2000). Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Parameter Design Optimization. John Wiley
(638 pages). Second Edition (710+ pages) to appear in July 2009.
R. Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (2006) . A Modern Theory of Factorial Designs. Springer (230 pages).
J. Fan, Y. Ritov and C. F. J. Wu (2013). Selected Works of Peter Bickel. Springer (568 pages).
(d) Miscellaneous
C. Palit, K. Schirle and C. F. J. Wu (1981). Analysis of the quality control methodology for the aid to families with dependent children program. Proceedings of the 21st National Workshop on Welfare Research and Statistics, 180-195.
J. F. Soaresand C. F. J. Wu (1982). Extended truncated binomial design in sequential experiments. Proceedings of the 43rd Session of the ISI.
C. F. J. Wu (1984). Discussion of “Iteratively reweighted least squares for maximum likelihood estimation, and some robust and resistant alternatives” by P. J. Green. Journal of Royal Statist. Soc. B, 46, 186.
J. N. K. Raoand C. F. J. Wu (1985). Bootstrap inference for sample surveys. Proceedings of the 1984 Meeting, Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 106-112.
W. Y. Loh and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Discussion of “Better bootstrap confidence intervals” by B. Efron. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82, 188-190.
C. F. J. Wu (1987). Discussion of “Performance measures independent of adjustment: an explanation and extension of Taguchi’s signal-to-noise ratios” by R. V. Leon, A. C. Shoemaker and R. N. Kacker. Technometrics, 29, 279-281.
J. N. K. Rao and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Methods for standard errors and confidence intervals from sample survey data:
some recent work. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Proceedings of the 46th session, Book 3, 5-19.
C. F. J. Wu (1989). Discussion of “Bootstrap methods” by D.V. Hinkley and “A review of bootstrap confidence intervals” by T. J. DiCiccio and J. P. Romano. Journal of Royal Statistical Soc. B, 51, 364-365.
C. F. J. Wu (1990). Quality improvement through robust parameter design: Taguchi and Beyond. Premier Symposium Renault des Techniques Avanc\A8\A6es de la Qualit\A8\A6, 39-49.
C. F. J. Wu (1992). Contribution to “Panel discussion on Taguchi’s robust design” (edited by V. Nair). Technometrics, 34, 127-161.
C. F. J. Wu (1993). Discussion of “Is industrial statistics out of control?” by D. Banks. Statistical Science, 8, 399-400.
C. F. J. Wu (2001). Discussion of “Detection of interactions in experiments on large numbers of factors” by S. M. Lewis and A. M. Dean. Journal of Royal Statistical Soc.B, 63 , 668.
N. Ge, F. Huang, P. Shaw and C. F. J. Wu (2002). PIDEX: A statistical approach for screening differentially expressed genes using microarray analysis. Proceedings of the 2001 American Statistical Association Meetings, to appear.
V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2002). "Performance measures in dynamic parameter design". Journal of Japanese Quality Engineering Society 10, 82-86.
Z. Qian, C. Seepersad, R. Joseph, C. F. J. Wu and J. Allen (2004). Building surrogate models with detailed and approximate simulations. Proceedings of the IDETC'04 ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, to appear.
T. Dasgupta, and C. F. J. Wu (2005). What's missing in Six Sigma? Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 5(1), 39-40.
T. Dasgupta, and C. F. J. Wu (2006). Six Sigma Quality. Chapter 10 of Enterprise Transformation: Understanding and Enabling Fundamental Change (edited by W. B. Rouse), Wiley, NJ.
Jun Shao and C. F. J. Wu (2008).
Commentary on "The jackknife estimate of variance" by B. Efron and C. Stein in Ann. Stat, 1981, pages 586-596,
to appear in a Volume to honor Efron's 70th Birthday.
W. Tan, I. C. Ume, Y. Hung and C. F. J. Wu (2008).
Experimental and analytical study on fatigue reliability of solder bumps on board assemblies affected by PWB warpage.
Proceedings of the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 131-138.
Hung, Y., Qian, P. Z. G. and C. F. J. Wu (2012).
Statistical Design and Analysis Methods for Data Center Thermal Management.
Book chapter in Energy Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers, J. Yogendra and K. Pramod (Eds.), 497-511, Springer.
Sun, Y., Heo, Y., Xie, H., Tan, M., C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2012).
Uncertainty Quantification of Microclimate Variables in Building Energy Simulation.
Proceedings of Building Simulation, 2423-2430. (Winner of best student paper of the conference).
Sun, Y., Su, H., Lee, B., C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2013).
Uncertainty Quantification of Solar Diffuse Irradiation on Inclined Surfaces for Building Energy Simulation.
13th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 71-78.
Augenbroe, G., Zhang, Y., Khazaii, J., Sun, Y., Su, H., Lee, B. D. and C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2013).
Implications of the Uncoupling of Building and HVAC Simulation in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainties.
13th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 3169-3176.
Simmons, B., Tan, M. H. Y., Wu, C. F. J., Yu, Y., Augenbroe, G. (2013).
Finding the Cost Optimal Mix of Building Energy Technologies that Satisfies a Set Operational Energy Reduction Target,
Proceedings of Building Simulation, 1852-1859.
Wu, C. F. J. (2014). Inspiration, Aspiration, Ambition.
In "Past, Present and Future of Statistical Science" (edited by X. Lin et al.), 565-569, CRC Press.
Chang, Y.-H., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Yeh, S.-T., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L. Wu, C. F. J., and Yang, V. (2017).
Spatial-temporal flow dynamics prediction with large design space via data-driven analysis and LES-based surrogate model.,
In ILASS-Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
Chang, Y.-H., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Yeh, S.-T., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L. Wu, C. F. J., and Yang, V. (2017).
Spatial-temporal flow dynamics prediction with large design space via data-driven analysis and LES-based surrogate model.
In ILASS-Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
Li, Y., Wang, X. J., Mak, S., Yeh, S.-T., Lin L.-H., and Wu, C. F. J.. (2017).
A two-stage transfer function identification methodology and its applications to bi-swirl injectors.
In Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference., 4933-4949
Li, Y., Wang, X. J., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L., Wu, C. F. J, and Yang, V.. (2018).
Uncertainty quantification of flame transfer function under a Bayesian framework.
In Proceedings of the 2018 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.