

Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization 
by C. F. Jeff Wu and M. Hamada, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2009

Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Parameter Design Optimization

A Modern Theory of Factorial Design 
by Rahul Mukerjee and C. F. Jeff Wu , Springer, 2006

A Modern Theory of Factorial Design


(a) Refereed Papers

  1. C. F. J. Wu (1973). A note on convergence rate of the strong law of large numbers. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 1, 121-124.
  2. C. F. J. Wu (1978). Some algorithmic aspects of the theory of optimal designs. Annals of Statistics, 6, 1286-1301.
  3. C. F. J. Wu and H. P. Wynn (1978). The convergence of general step-length algorithms for regular optimum design criteria. Annals of Statistics, 6, 1273-1285.
  4. C. F. J. Wu (1978). Some iterative procedures for generating nonsingular optimal designs. Communications in Statistics, Series A, 7, Special Issue on Optimal Design Theory, 1399-1412.
  5. C. F. J. Wu (1980). Characterizing the consistent directions of least squares estimates. Annals of Statistics, 8, 789-801.
  6. C. F. J. Wu (1980). On some ordering properties of the generalized inverses of nonnegative definite matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 32, 49-60.
  7. C. S. Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (1981). Balanced repeated measurements designs. Annals of Statistics, 8, 1272-1283. (Correction, 1983, Volume 11, 349).
  8. C. F. J. Wu (1981). Iterative construction of nearly balanced assignments I: categorical covariates. Technometrics, 23, 37-44.
  9. A. J. Scott and C. F. J. Wu (1981). On the asymptotic distributions of ratio and regression estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, 98-102.
  10. R. Bohrer, W. Chow, R. Faith, V. M. Joshi and C. F. J. Wu (1981). Multiple decision rules for factorial simple effects: Bonferroni wins again! Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, 119-124.
  11. C. F. J. Wu (1981). Asymptotic theory of nonlinear least squares estimation. Annals of Statistics, 9, 501-513.
  12. C. S. Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (1981). Nearly balanced incomplete block designs. Biometrika, 68, 493-500.
  13. C. F. J. Wu (1981). On the robustness and efficiency of some randomized designs. Annals of Statistics, 9, 1168-1177.
  14. C. F. J. Wu (1982). Estimation of variance of the ratio estimator. Biometrika, 69, 183-189.
  15. C. F. J. Wu (1982). Some algorithms for concave regression and isotonic regression. TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences, 19, (Optimization in Statistics) 105-116, North Holland.
  16. L. Y. Deng and C. F. J. Wu (1983). Estimation of variance of the ratio estimator: an empirical study. Scientific Inference, Data Analysis, and Robustness (G. E. P. Box et al., Ed.), 245-277, Academic Press.
  17. C. F. J. Wu (1983). On the convergence properties of the EM algorithm. Annals of Statistics, 11, 95-103.
  18. J. F. Soares and C. F. J. Wu (1983). Some restricted randomization rules in sequential designs. Communications in Statistics, Series A, 12, 2017-2034.
  19. S. G. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1983). Further results on the consistent directions of least squares estimators. Annals of Statistics, 11, 1257-1262.
  20. C. Stepniak, S. G. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1984). Comparison of linear experiments with known covariances. Annals of Statistics,12, 358-365.
  21. S. G. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1984). Consistent directions of the least squares estimator in linear models. Statistical Theory and Data Analysis (K. Matusita, ed.), 763-782, North Holland.
  22. C. F. J. Wu (1984). Estimation in systematic sampling with supplementary observations. Sankhyā, Series B, 46, 306-315.
  23. J. F. Soares and C. F. J. Wu (1985). Optimality of random allocation design for the control of accidental bias in sequential experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 11, 81-87.
  24. C. F. J. Wu (1985). Variance estimation for the combined ratio and combined regression estimators. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 47, 147-154.
  25. Ping Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (1985). Discussion of “Projection Pursuit” by P. J. Huber. Annals of Statistics, 13, 490-493.
  26. J. N. K. Rao and C. F. J. Wu (1985). Inference from stratified samples: second order analysis of three methods for nonlinear statistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 620-630.
  27. C. F. J. Wu (1985). Efficient sequential designs with binary data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 974-984.
  28. T. Kariya and C. F. J. Wu (1985). On the nonsingularity of principal submatrices of a random orthogonal matrix. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 12, 353-357.
  29. C. F. J. Wu (1985). Asymptotic inference from sequential design in a nonlinear situation. Biometrika, 72, 553-558.
  30. I. Ford, D. M. Titterington and C. F. J. Wu (1985). Inference and sequential design. Biometrika, 72, 545-551.
  31. C. F. J. Wu (1986). Maximum likelihood recursion and stochastic approximation in sequential designs. Adaptive Statistical Procedures and Related Topics (J. Van Ryzin, ed.), IMS Monograph Series, 8, 298-313.
  32. S. K. Tse and C. F. J. Wu (1986). Comparison of the dichotomous and polytomous response models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 14, 187-202.
  33. C. F. J. Wu (1986). Jackknife, bootstrap and other resampling methods in regression analysis (with discussion). Annals of Statistics, 14, 1261-1350.
  34. M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1986). Should accumulation analysis and related methods be used for industrial experiments? A discussion of “Testing in industrial experiments with ordered categorical data” by V. N. Nair. Technometrics, 28, 302-306.
  35. C. F. J. Wu (1986). Future directions of statistical research in China: a historical perspective. Application of Statistics and Management, 1, 1-7.
  36. L. Y. Deng and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Estimation of variance of the regression estimator. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82, 568-576.
  37. J. Shao and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Heteroscedasticity-robustness of jackknife variance estimators in linear models. Annals of Statistics, 15, 1563-1579.
  38. G. Box, R. Kackar, V. Nair, M. Phadke, A. Shoemaker and C. F. J. Wu (1988). Quality practice in Japan. Quality Progress, 37-41.
  39. C. F. J. Wu , D. Holt and D. Holmes (1988). On the effect of two-stage sampling on the F statistic. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 150-159.
  40. J. N. K. Rao and C. F. J. Wu (1988). Resampling inference with complex survey data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 231-241.
  41. J. Korvar, J. N. K. Rao and C. F. J. Wu (1988). Bootstrap and other methods to measure errors in survey estimates. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 16, Supplement, 25-45.
  42. K. L. Tsui, N. Jewell and C. F. J. Wu (1988). A nonparametric approach to the truncated regression problem. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 785-792.
  43. C. F. J. Wu (1988). Optimal design for percentile estimation of a quantal response curve. Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments (Y. Dodge et al., Ed.) 213-223, North Holland.
  44. R. J. Carroll, C. F. J. Wu and D. Ruppert (1988). The effect of estimating weights in generalized least squares. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 1045-1054.
  45. J. Shao and C. F. J. Wu (1989). A general theory for jackknife variance estimation. Annals of Statistics, 17, 1176-1197.
  46. C. F. J. Wu (1989). Construction of 1 designs via a grouping scheme. Annals of Statistics, 17, 1880-1885.
  47. M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1990). A critical look at accumulation analysis and related methods. Technometrics, 32, 119-162. (discussion paper)(winner of the Frank Wilcoxon Prize).
  48. S. S. Mao, F. S. Ma, and C. F. J. Wu (1990). Sequential elimination of levels: an investigation method using orthogonal arrays. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 6, 185-204. (in Chinese with English abstract).
  49. Xiquan Shi, C. F. J. Wu and Jiahua Chen (1990). Weak and strong representations for quantile processes from finite populations with application to simulation size in resampling inference. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 18, 141-148.
  50. C. F. J. Wu, S. S. Mao and F. S. Ma (1990). SEL: A search method based on orthogonal arrays. Statistical Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments ( S. Ghosh, ed.), 279-310, Marcel Dekker.
  51. C. F. J. Wu (1990). On the asymptotic properties of the jackknife histograms. Annals of Statistics, 18, 1438-1452.
  52. M. S. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1991). Analysis of censored data from highly fractionated experiments. Technometrics, 33, 25-38.
  53. C. F. J. Wu (1991). Balanced repeated replications based on mixed orthogonal arrays. Biometrika, 78, 181-188.
  54. Jiahua Chen and C. F. J. Wu (1991). Some results on 2 fractional factorial designs with minimum aberration or optimal moments. Annals of Statistics, 19, 1028-1041.
  55. J. C. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1991). An approach to the construction of asymmetrical orthogonal arrays. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86, 450-456.
  56. A. C. Shoemaker, K. L. Tsui and C. F. J. Wu (1991). Economical experimentation methods for robust design. Technometrics, 33, 415-427.
  57. C. F. J. Wu , R. Zhang and R. Wang (1992). Construction of asymmetrical orthogonal arrays of the type 3. Statistica Sinica, 2, 203-219.
  58. I. Ford, B. Torsney and C. F. J. Wu (1992). The use of canonical form in the construction of locally optimum designs for nonlinear problems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B, 54, 569-583.
  59. C. F. J. Wu and Youyi Chen (1992). A graph-aided method for planning two-level experiments when certain interactions are important. Technometrics, 34, 162-175.
  60. R. Leon and C. F. J. Wu (1992). A theory of performance measures in parameter design. Statistica Sinica, 2, 335-358.
  61. M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1992). Analysis of designed experiments with complex aliasing. Journal of Quality Technology, 24, 130-137. (winner of the Brumbaugh Award). (Reproduced and included in Volume 7 of The Best on Quality, International Academy for Quality, 1996, ASQC Quality Press.)
  62. J. Shao and C. F. J. Wu (1992). Asymptotic properties of the balanced repeated replication method for sample quantiles. Annals of Statistics, 20, 1571-1593.
  63. J. C. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1992). Nearly orthogonal arrays with mixed levels and small runs. Technometrics, 34, 409-422.
  64. J. Armstrong and C. F. J. Wu (1992). A sample allocation method for two-phase survey design. Survey Methodology, 18, 251-262.
  65. J. N. K. Rao, C. F. J. Wu and K. Yue (1992). Some recent work on resampling methods for complex surveys. Survey Methodology, 18, 209-217.
  66. D. X. Sun and C. F. J. Wu (1993). Statistical properties of Hadamard matrices of order 16. In Quality Through Engineering Design ( W. Kuo, Ed.), 169-179, Elsevier.
  67. J. Chen, D. X. Sun and C. F. J. Wu (1993). A catalogue of two-level and three-level fractional factorial designs with small runs. International Statistical Review, 61, 131-145.
  68. A. Miller, R. Sitter, C. F. J. Wu and D. Long (1993). Are large Taguchi-style experiments necessary? A reanalysis of gear and pinion data. Quality Engineering, 6, 21-37.
  69. C. F. J. Wu and R. Zhang (1993). Minimum aberration designs with two-level and four-level factors. Biometrika, 80, 203-209.
  70. R. Sitter and C. F. J. Wu (1993). On the accuracy of Fieller intervals for binary response data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 1021-1025.
  71. C. F. J. Wu (1993). Construction of supersaturated designs through partially aliased interactions. Biometrika, 80, 661-669.
  72. R. Sitter and C. F. J. Wu (1993). Optimal designs for binary response experiments. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 20, 329-341.
  73. L. Deng, M. Aksmanovic, D. X. Sun and C. F. J. Wu (1994). Speech recognition using hidden Markov models with polynomial regression functions as nonstationary states. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 2, 507-520.
  74. D. X. Sun, L. Deng and C. F. J. Wu (1994). State-dependent time warping in the trended hidden Markov model. Signal Processing, 39, 263-275.
  75. D. X. Sun and C. F. J. Wu (1994). Interaction graphs for three-level fractional factorial designs. Journal of Quality Technology, 26, 297-307.
  76. J. C. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (1995). A hidden projection property of Plackett-Burman and related designs. Statistica Sinica, 5, 235-250.
  77. M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1995). The treatment of related experimental factors by sliding levels. Journal of Quality Technology, 27, 45-55.
  78. M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1995). Analysis of censored data from fractionated experiments: a Bayesian approach. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 467-477.
  79. C. M. Anderson and C. F. J. Wu (1995). Measuring location effects from factorial experiments with a directional response. International Statistical Review, 63, 345-363.
  80. R. Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (1995). On the existence of saturated and nearly saturated asymmetrical orthogonal arrays. Annals of Statistics, 23, 2102-2115.
  81. C. M. Anderson and C. F. J. Wu (1996). Dispersion measures and analysis for factorial directional data with replicates. Applied Statistics, 45, 47-61.
  82. A. Miller and C. F. J. Wu (1996). Commentary on Taguchi’s parameter design with dynamic characteristics. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 12, 75-78.
  83. A. Miller and C. F. J. Wu (1996). Parameter design for signal-response system: a different look at Taguchi’s dynamic parameter design. Statistical Science, 11, 122-136.
  84. B. Tang and C. F. J. Wu (1996). Characterization of minimum aberration 4 designs in terms of their complementary designs. Annals of Statistics, 24, 2549-2559.
  85. Z. Ying and C. F. J. Wu (1997). An asymptotic theory of sequential designs based on maximum likelihood recursions. Statistica Sinica, 7, 75-91.
  86. B. Tang and C. F. J. Wu (1997). A method for constructing supersaturated designs and its 5 optimality. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 25, 191-201.
  87. W. W. Li and C. F. J. Wu (1997). Columnwise-pairwise algorithms with applications to the construction of supersaturated designs. Technometrics, 39, 171-179.
  88. C. Y. Suen, H. Chen and C. F. J. Wu (1997). Some identities on 6 designs with application to minimum aberration designs. Annals of Statistics, 25, 1176-1188.
  89. D. X. Sun, C. F. J. Wu and Y. Chen (1997). Optimal blocking schemes for 7 and 8 designs. Technometrics, 39, 298-307. (winner of the Jack Youden Prize).
  90. H. Chipman, M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (1997). A Bayesian variable selection approach for analyzing designed experiments with complex aliasing. Technometrics, 39, 372-381.
  91. P. R. Moorhead and C. F. J. Wu (1998). Cost-driven parameter design. Technometrics, 40, 111-119.
  92. C. F. J. Wu and Y. Ding (1998). Construction of response surface designs for qualitative and quantitative factors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 71, 331-348.
  93. W. W. Li and C. F. J. Wu (1999). An integrated method of parameter design and tolerance design. Quality Engineering, 11, 417-425.
  94. R. Sitter and C. F. J. Wu (1999). Two-stage designs of quantal response studies. Biometrics, 55, 396-402.
  95. F. Tsung, J. Shi and C. F. J. Wu (1999). Joint monitoring of PID controlled processes. Journal of Quality Technology, 31, 275-285.
  96. R. Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (1999). Blocking in regular fractional factorials: a projective geometric approach. Annals of Statistics, 27, 1256-1271.
  97. J. Berube and C. F. J. Wu (2000). Signal-to-noise ratio and related measures in parameter design optimization: an overview. Sankhya, Series B, 62, 417-432.
  98. R. Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (2001). Minimum aberration designs for mixed factorials in terms of their complementary sets. Statistica Sinica, 11, 225-239.
  99. Kenny Ye, M. Hamada and C. F. J. Wu (2001). A step-down Lenth method for analyzing unreplicated factorial designs. Journal of Quality Technology, 33, 140-152.
  100. X. Hou and C. F. J. Wu (2001). On the determination of robust settings in parameter design experiments. Statistics and Probability Letters, 54, 137-145.
  101. S. W. Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (2001). Factor screening and response surface exploration (with discussion). Statistica Sinica, 11, 553-604.
  102. H. Xu and C. F. J. Wu (2001). Generalized minimum aberration for factorial designs. Annals of Statistics, 29, 1066-1077.
  103. S. W. Cheng and C. F. J. Wu (2002). Choice of optimal blocking schemes in two-level and three-level designs. Technometrics, 44, 269-277.
  104. V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2002). Operating window experiments: a novel approach to quality and reliability improvement. J. Quality Technology, 34 , 345-354.
  105. V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2002). Robust parameter design of multiple target systems. Technometrics,44, 338-346.
  106. L. Huwang, C. F. J. Wu and C. H. Yen (2002). The idle column method: construction, properties and comparisons. Technometrics , 44, 347-355.
  107. H. Xu, P. Wu, C. F. J. Wu , C. Tidwell and Y. Wang (2002). A smooth response surface algorithm for constructing gene regulatory network. Physiological Genomics, 11 , 11-20.
  108. Huaiqing Wu and C. F. J. Wu (2002). Clear two-factor interactions and minimum aberration. Annals of Statistics, 30, 1496-1511.
  109. V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2002). Performance measures in dynamic parameter design. Journal of Japanese Quality Engineering Society, 10, 82-86.
  110. S. W. Cheng, C. F. J. Wu and H. Wu (2003). Finding defining generators with extreme lengths. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 113, 315-321.
  111. C. F. J. Wu and Y. Zhu (2003). Optimal selection of single arrays for parameter design experiments. Statistica Sinica, 13, 1179-1199.
  112. V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2004). Failure amplification method: an information maximization approach to categorical response optimization (with discussions). Technometrics , 46, 1-31. (winner of the Jack Youden Prize).
  113. H. Xu, Cheng. S. W., and C. F. J. Wu (2004). Optimal projective three-level designs for factor screening and interaction detection. Technometrics, 46, 280-292.
  114. X. Qu and C. F. J. Wu (2005). One-factor-at-a-time designs of resolution V. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 131 , 407-416 .
  115. H. Xu and C. F. J. Wu (2005). Construction of optimal multi-level supersaturated designs. Annals of Statistics, 33 , 2811-2836.
  116. G. Dyson and C. F. J. Wu (2006). MAOSA: A new procedure for detection of differential gene expression. Statistical Methodology , 3 ,42-53.
  117. Z. Qian, C. Seepersad, R. Joseph, J. Allen and C. F. J. Wu (2006). Building surrogate models with detailed and approximate simulations. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128 , 668-677.
  118. A. Mandal and C. F. J. Wu (2006). SELC: Sequential elimination of level combinations by means of modified genetic algorithms. Technometrics, 48 , 273-283.
  119. T. Dasgupta and C. F. J. Wu (2006). Robust parameter design with feedback control. Technometrics, 48, 349-360.
  120. S. W. Cheng, C. F. J. Wu and L. Huwang (2006). Statistical modeling for experiments with sliding levels. In Time Series and Related Topics. IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 52, 245-256
  121. A. Mandal, K. Johnson, C. F. J. Wu and D. Bornemeier (2007). Identifying promising compounds in drug discovery: genetic algorithms and some new statistical techniques. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling , 47, 981-988.
  122. Y. Zhu and C. F. J. Wu (2007). Structure functions for general s l - m design and blocked regular (s l – m, s r ) design and their complementary designs. Statistica Sinica , 17,1237-1257.
  123. V. R. Joseph, Y. Tian and C. F. J. Wu (2007). Adaptive designs for stochastic root-finding. Statistica Sinica, 47,1549-1565
  124. T. Dasgupta, C. Ma, V. R. Joseph, Z. L. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2007). Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Robust Synthesis of Nanostructures. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, 594-603.
  125. G. Dyson and C. F. J. Wu (2007). ICI: A new approach to explore between-cluster relationships with applications to gene expression data. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 18, 244-255.
  126. S. L. Jeng, Joseph, V. R. and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Modeling and optimization for failure amplification method. Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 128-139.
  127. R. Mukerjee, P. Z. G. Qian and C. F. J. Wu (2008). On the existence of nested orthogonal arrays. Discrete Mathematics, 308, 4635-4642
  128. P. Z. G. Qian and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Bayesian hierarchical modeling for integrating low-accuracy and high-accuracy experiments. Technometrics, 50, 192-204
  129. P. Z. G. Qian, H. Wu, and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Gaussian process models for computer experiments with qualitative and quantitative factors. Technometrics, 50, 383-396.
  130. Y. Hung, V. Zarnitsyna, Y. Zhang, C. Zhu, and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Binary time series modeling with application to adhesion frequency experiments. Journal of American Statistical Association, 103 1248-1259.
  131. P. Z. G. Qian, B. Tang and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Nested space-filling designs for experiments with two levels of accuracy. Statistica Sinica, 19, 287-300.
  132. X. Deng, V. Roshan. Joseph, Wenjie Mai, Z.L.Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2009). A statistical approach to quantifying the elastic deformation of nanomaterials. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 106(29), 11845-11850.
  133. S. Xu, N. Adiga, S. Ba, T. Dagsgupta, C. F. J. Wu and Z. L. Wang (2009). Optimizing and improving the growth quality of ZnO nanowire arrays guided by statistical design of experiments. American Chemical Society, Nano, 3(7), 1803-1812.
  134. V. R. Joseph, M. Ai and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Bayesian-inspired optimal two- and four level designs. Biometrika , 96, 95-106.
  135. A. Mandal, P. Ranjan and C. F. J. Wu (2009). G-SELC: Optimization by Sequential Elimination of Level Combinations using Genetic Algorithms and Gaussian Processes. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 398-421.
  136. P. Z. G. Qian, M. Ai and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Construction of nested space-filling designs. Annals of Statistics, 37, 3616-43.
  137. X. Deng, V. R. Joseph, A. Sudjianto and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Active learning via sequential design with applications to detection of money laundering. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 969-981.
  138. P. Z. G. Qian and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Sliced space-filling designs. Biometrika, 96, 945-956.
  139. M. Ai, X. Xu and C. F. J. Wu (2009). Optimal blocking and fold over plans for regular two-level designs. Statistica Sinica, 20, 183-207.
  140. T. Dasgupta, A. Miller and C. F. J. Wu (2010). Robust design, modeling and analysis of measurement systems. Technometrics, 52, 80-93.
  141. W. Tan, I. C. Ume, Y. Hung and C. F. J. Wu (2010). Effects of warpage on fatigue reliability of solder bumps: experimental and analytical studies. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, 33, 314-322.
  142. J. Zhong, J. Shi, and C. F. J. Wu (2010). Design of DOE-based automatic process controller for complex manufacturing process. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7, 266-273.
  143. Y. Hung, Y. Amemiya, and C. F. J. Wu (2010). Probability-based Latin hypercube designs for slid-rectangular regions. Biometrika, 97, 961-968.
  144. J. Song, H. Xie, W. Wu, V. R. Joseph, C. F. J. Wu, and Z. L. Wang (2010). Robust optimization of the output voltage of nanogenerators by statistical design of experiments. Nano Research, 3, 613-619.
  145. R. B. Chen, W. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2011). Building surrogates with overcomplete bases in a computer experiment for bistable laser diodes. IIE Transactions (Quality and Reliability Engineering), 43, 39-53.
  146. Matthias Tan and C. F. J. Wu (2011). Generalized selective assembly. IIE Transactions (Quality and Reliability Engineering), 44, 27-42.
  147. T. Dasgupta, N. Adiga and C. F. J. Wu (2011). Another look at Dorian Shainin's variable search Technique, Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 273-287.
  148. Matthias Tan and C. F. J. Wu (2012). Robust design optimization with quadratic loss derived from Gaussian process models. Technometrics, 54, 51-63.
  149. Tuo, R., Qian, P. and C. F. J. Wu (2013). A Brown motion model for stochastic simulation with tunable precision. Comment on "Quantile-based optimization of noisy computer experiments with tunable precision" by Picheny et al. Technometrics, 55, 29-31.
  150. S. P. Xiong, P. Z. G. Qian and C. F. J. Wu (2013). Sequential design and analysis of high-accuracy and low-accuracy computer codes. Technometrics, 55, 37-46.
  151. L. Ju, Y. D. Wang, Y. Hung, C. F. J. Wu and C. Zhu (2013). An HMM-based algorithm for evaluating rates of receptor-ligand binding kinetics from thermal fluctuation data. Bioinformatics, 29, 1511-1518.
  152. Matthias Tan and C. F. J. Wu (2013). A Bayesian approach for model selection in fractionated split plot experiments with applications in robust parameter design. Technometrics, 55, 359-372.
  153. Y. Hung, Y. Wang, V. Zarnitsyna, C. Zhu, and C. F. J. Wu (2013). Hidden Markov models with applications in cell adhesion experiments. Journal of American Statistical Association, 108, 1469-1479.
  154. Y. Sun, Y. Heo, M. H. Y. Tan, H. Xie, C. F. J. Wu, and G. Augenbroe (2014). Uncertainty quantification of microclimate variables in building energy models. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 7, 17-32.
  155. C. F. J. Wu and Y. Tian (2014). Three-phase optimal design of sensitivity experiments (with discussions). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 149, 1-15.
  156. C. Peng and C. F. J. Wu (2014). On the choice of nugget in kriging modeling for deterministic computer experiments. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23, 151-68.
  157. A. Sabbaghi, T. Dasgupta and C. F. J. Wu (2014). Indicator functions and the algebra of the linear-quadratic parametrization. Biometrika, 101, 351-363.
  158. Tuo, R., C. F. J. Wu and Yu, D. (2014). Surrogate modeling of computer experiments with different mesh densities. Technometrics, 56, 372-380.
  159. H. Xie, S. P. Xiong, P. Z. G. Qian and C. F. J. Wu (2014). General sliced Latin hypercube designs. Statistica Sinica, 24, 1239-1256.
  160. Y. Sun, L. Gu, C. F. J. Wu, and G. Augenbroe (2014). Exploring HVAC system sizing under uncertainty. Energy and Buildings, 81, 243-252.
  161. V. R. Joseph, T. Dasgupta, R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2015). Sequential exploration of complex surfaces using minimum energy designs. Technometrics, 57, 64-74.
  162. C. F. J. Wu (2015). Post-Fisherian experimentation: from physical to virtual. Journal of American Statistical Association, 110, 612-620. (based on the 2011 Fisher Lecture.)
  163. Y. Sun, H. Su, C. F. J. Wu, and G. Augenbroe (2015). Quantification of model form uncertainty in the calculation of solar diffuse irradiation on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 8, 253-265.
  164. D. Wang, Y. Tian, and C. F. J. Wu (2015). A skewed version of the Robbins-Monro-Joseph procedure for binary response. Statistica Sinica, 25, 1679-1689.
  165. R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2015). Efficient calibration for imperfect computer models. Annals of Statistics, 43, 2331-2352.
  166. R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2016). A theoretical framework for calibration in computer models: parametrization, estimation and convergence properties. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 767-795.
  167. Yijie D. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2017). Bayesian cubic spline in computer experiments. "Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification" (Eds. R. Ghanem, D. Higdon, and H. Owhadi), Volume 1, 477-495, CRC Press.
  168. Su, Heng and C. F. J. Wu (2017). CME Analysis: a new method for unraveling aliased effects in two-level fractional factorial experiments. J. Quality Technology, 1-10.
  169. X. He, Rui Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2017). Optimization of multi-fidelity computer experiments via the EQIE criterion. Technometrics, 59, 58-68.
  170. R. B. Chen, W. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2017). Sequential designs based on Bayesian uncertainty quantification in sparse representation surrogate modeling. Technometrics, 59, 139-152.
  171. Su, Heng and C. F. Jeff Wu (2017). Funnel testing in webpage optimization: representation, design and analysis. Statistical Theory and Related Fields (Taylor Francis), 1, 3-14.
  172. R. Mukerjee, C. F. J. Wu and M. C. Chang (2017). Two-level minimum aberration designs under a conditional model with a pair of conditional and conditioned factors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 997-1016.
  173. R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2018). Prediction based on the Kennedy-O\92Hagan calibration model: asymptotic consistency and other properties Statistica Sinica, 28, 743-759.
  174. C. F. J. Wu (2018). A fresh look at effect aliasing and interactions: some new wine in old bottles (with discussions) Ann. Inst. Stat. Math., 70, 249-268 (written version of the 2016 Akaike Memorial Lecture.)
  175. S. Mak, C. L. Sung, S. T. Yeh, X. Wang, Y. H. Chang, V. R. Joseph, V. Yang, and C. F. J. Wu (2018). An efficient surrogate model for emulation and physics extraction of large eddy simulations Journal of American Statistical Association, 113, 1443-1456.
  176. S. T. Yeh, X. J. Wang, C. L. Sung, S. Mak, Y. H. Chang, C. F. J. Wu and V. Yang (2018). Data-driven analysis and mean flow prediction using a physics-based surrogate model for design exploration. AIAA Journal , 56(6): 2429-2442
  177. S. Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2018). cmenet: a new method for bi-level variable selection of conditional main effects. Journal of American Statistical Association, 114, 844-856.
  178. H. Su, R. Tuo, and C. F. J. Wu (2019). PIG Process: joint modeling of point and integral responses in computer experiments. J. Quality Technology, 9, 331-349.
  179. S. Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2019). Analysis-of-marginal-Tail-Means: a new method for robust parameter optimization. Technometrics, 61, 545-559.
  180. D. Wang, Y. Tian, and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Comprehensive comparisons of major sequential design procedures for sensitivity testing. J. Quality Technology, 52, 155-167.
  181. C. L. Sung, Y. Hung, W. Rittase, C. Zhu and C. F. J. Wu (2020). A generalized Gaussian process model for computer experiments with binary time series. Journal of American Statistical Association, 115, 945-956.
  182. W. Wang, R. Tuo and C. F. J. Wu (2020). On the prediction properties of kriging: uniform error bounds and robustness. Journal of American Statistical Association, 115, 920-930.
  183. R. B. Chen, Yuan Wang and and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Global optimization of expensive functions using adaptive RBF-based surrogate model via uncertainty quantification. J. Global Opt., 77, 919-948.
  184. C. L. Sung, Y. Hung, W. Rittase, C. Zhu and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Calibration for computer experiments with binary responses. Journal of American Statistical Association, to appear.
  185. R. Tuo, Y. Wang and C. F. J. Wu (2020). On the improved rates of convergence for kernel ridge regression, with application to Gaussian process models SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, to appear
  186. Y. Hung, L. H. Lin and C. F. J. Wu (2021). Varying coefficient frailty models with applications in single molecular experiments. Biometrics, to appear.
  187. (b) Submitted

  188. Y. H. Chang, L. Zhang, S. T. Yeh, X. J. Wang, S. Mak, C. L. Sung, C. F. J. Wu, and V. Yang (2019). Kernel-smoothed proper orthogonal decomposition (KSPOD)-based emulation for spatiotemporally evolving flow dynamics prediction. AIAA Journal, submitted.
  189. S.-T. Yeh, S. Mak, X. J. Wang, Y. Li, C. F. J. Wu, and V. Yang (2017). Identification and quantification of response to intrinsic combustion dynamics in a rocket injector. Combustion and Flame, submitted.
  190. Wenjia Wang, X. Yue, B. Haaland, and C. F. J. Wu (2019). Gaussian process with input location error and applications to the composite parts assembly process. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, submitted.
  191. Zhehui Chen, Simon Mak and C. F. J. Wu (2019). A hierarchical expected improvement method for effective Bayesian optimization. Submitted.
  192. Y. Hung, L. H. Lin and C. F. J. Wu (2020). Optimal simulator selection. Submitted.

(c) Books

  1. G. E. P. Box, T. Leonard and C. F. J. Wu (1983, Joint Editors). Scientific Inference, Data Analysis and Robustness. Academic Press.
  2. C. F. J. Wu and M. S. Hamada (2000). Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Parameter Design Optimization. John Wiley (638 pages). Second Edition (710+ pages) to appear in July 2009.
  3. R. Mukerjee and C. F. J. Wu (2006) . A Modern Theory of Factorial Designs. Springer (230 pages).
  4. J. Fan, Y. Ritov and C. F. J. Wu (2013). Selected Works of Peter Bickel. Springer (568 pages).

(d) Miscellaneous

  1. C. Palit, K. Schirle and C. F. J. Wu (1981). Analysis of the quality control methodology for the aid to families with dependent children program. Proceedings of the 21st National Workshop on Welfare Research and Statistics, 180-195.
  2. J. F. Soaresand C. F. J. Wu (1982). Extended truncated binomial design in sequential experiments. Proceedings of the 43rd Session of the ISI.
  3. C. F. J. Wu (1984). Discussion of “Iteratively reweighted least squares for maximum likelihood estimation, and some robust and resistant alternatives” by P. J. Green. Journal of Royal Statist. Soc. B, 46, 186.
  4. J. N. K. Raoand C. F. J. Wu (1985). Bootstrap inference for sample surveys. Proceedings of the 1984 Meeting, Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 106-112.
  5. W. Y. Loh and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Discussion of “Better bootstrap confidence intervals” by B. Efron. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82, 188-190.
  6. C. F. J. Wu (1987). Discussion of “Performance measures independent of adjustment: an explanation and extension of Taguchi’s signal-to-noise ratios” by R. V. Leon, A. C. Shoemaker and R. N. Kacker. Technometrics, 29, 279-281.
  7. J. N. K. Rao and C. F. J. Wu (1987). Methods for standard errors and confidence intervals from sample survey data: some recent work. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Proceedings of the 46th session, Book 3, 5-19.
  8. C. F. J. Wu (1989). Discussion of “Bootstrap methods” by D.V. Hinkley and “A review of bootstrap confidence intervals” by T. J. DiCiccio and J. P. Romano. Journal of Royal Statistical Soc. B, 51, 364-365.
  9. C. F. J. Wu (1990). Quality improvement through robust parameter design: Taguchi and Beyond. Premier Symposium Renault des Techniques Avanc\A8\A6es de la Qualit\A8\A6, 39-49.
  10. C. F. J. Wu (1992). Contribution to “Panel discussion on Taguchi’s robust design” (edited by V. Nair). Technometrics, 34, 127-161.
  11. C. F. J. Wu (1993). Discussion of “Is industrial statistics out of control?” by D. Banks. Statistical Science, 8, 399-400.
  12. C. F. J. Wu (2001). Discussion of “Detection of interactions in experiments on large numbers of factors” by S. M. Lewis and A. M. Dean. Journal of Royal Statistical Soc.B, 63 , 668.
  13. N. Ge, F. Huang, P. Shaw and C. F. J. Wu (2002). PIDEX: A statistical approach for screening differentially expressed genes using microarray analysis. Proceedings of the 2001 American Statistical Association Meetings, to appear.
  14. V. R. Joseph and C. F. J. Wu (2002). "Performance measures in dynamic parameter design". Journal of Japanese Quality Engineering Society 10, 82-86.
  15. Z. Qian, C. Seepersad, R. Joseph, C. F. J. Wu and J. Allen (2004). Building surrogate models with detailed and approximate simulations. Proceedings of the IDETC'04 ASME 2004 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, to appear.
  16. T. Dasgupta, and C. F. J. Wu (2005). What's missing in Six Sigma? Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 5(1), 39-40.
  17. T. Dasgupta, and C. F. J. Wu (2006). Six Sigma Quality. Chapter 10 of Enterprise Transformation: Understanding and Enabling Fundamental Change (edited by W. B. Rouse), Wiley, NJ.
  18. Jun Shao and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Commentary on "The jackknife estimate of variance" by B. Efron and C. Stein in Ann. Stat, 1981, pages 586-596, to appear in a Volume to honor Efron's 70th Birthday.
  19. W. Tan, I. C. Ume, Y. Hung and C. F. J. Wu (2008). Experimental and analytical study on fatigue reliability of solder bumps on board assemblies affected by PWB warpage. Proceedings of the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 131-138.
  20. Hung, Y., Qian, P. Z. G. and C. F. J. Wu (2012). Statistical Design and Analysis Methods for Data Center Thermal Management. Book chapter in Energy Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers, J. Yogendra and K. Pramod (Eds.), 497-511, Springer.
  21. Sun, Y., Heo, Y., Xie, H., Tan, M., C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2012). Uncertainty Quantification of Microclimate Variables in Building Energy Simulation. Proceedings of Building Simulation, 2423-2430. (Winner of best student paper of the conference).
  22. Sun, Y., Su, H., Lee, B., C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2013). Uncertainty Quantification of Solar Diffuse Irradiation on Inclined Surfaces for Building Energy Simulation. 13th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 71-78.
  23. Augenbroe, G., Zhang, Y., Khazaii, J., Sun, Y., Su, H., Lee, B. D. and C. F. J. Wu and Augenbroe, G. (2013). Implications of the Uncoupling of Building and HVAC Simulation in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainties. 13th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, 3169-3176.
  24. Simmons, B., Tan, M. H. Y., Wu, C. F. J., Yu, Y., Augenbroe, G. (2013). Finding the Cost Optimal Mix of Building Energy Technologies that Satisfies a Set Operational Energy Reduction Target, Proceedings of Building Simulation, 1852-1859.
  25. Wu, C. F. J. (2014). Inspiration, Aspiration, Ambition. In "Past, Present and Future of Statistical Science" (edited by X. Lin et al.), 565-569, CRC Press.
  26. Chang, Y.-H., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Yeh, S.-T., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L. Wu, C. F. J., and Yang, V. (2017). Spatial-temporal flow dynamics prediction with large design space via data-driven analysis and LES-based surrogate model., In ILASS-Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
  27. Chang, Y.-H., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Yeh, S.-T., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L. Wu, C. F. J., and Yang, V. (2017). Spatial-temporal flow dynamics prediction with large design space via data-driven analysis and LES-based surrogate model. In ILASS-Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
  28. Li, Y., Wang, X. J., Mak, S., Yeh, S.-T., Lin L.-H., and Wu, C. F. J.. (2017). A two-stage transfer function identification methodology and its applications to bi-swirl injectors. In Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference., 4933-4949
  29. Li, Y., Wang, X. J., Mak, S., Sung, C.-L., Wu, C. F. J, and Yang, V.. (2018). Uncertainty quantification of flame transfer function under a Bayesian framework. In Proceedings of the 2018 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.