Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Entropy and mutual information
Lecture 3 Chain rules and inequalities
Lecture 4 Data processing, Fano's inequality
Lecture 5 Asymptotic equipartition property
Lecture 6 Entropy rate
Lecture 7 Source coding and Kraft inequality
Lecture 8 Optimal code length and roof code
Lecture 9 Huffman codes
Lecture 10 Shannon-Fano-Elias and arithmetic codes
Lecture 11 Maximum entropy
Lecture 12 Channel capacity
Lecture 13 Channel coding theorem, joint typicality
Lecture 14 Proof of channel coding theorem (Notes)
Lecture 15 Hamming codes and Viterbi algorithm
Lecture 16 Feedback channel, source-channel separation theorem
Lecture 17 Differential entropy
Lecture 18 Gaussian channel
Lecture 19 Parallel Gaussian channel and water-filling
Lecture 20 Quantization and rate-distortion
Lecture 21 Rate-distortion theorem (Notes on calculating R(D))
Lecture 22 Final review and future topics
Supplemental Materials
Sum of random variables
The Markov chain Monte Carlo revolution, by Persi Diaconis
Reference for arithmetic codes, Arithmetic coding for data compression, by I. Witten, R. M. Neal and G. Cleary, Communications of the ACM, 1987
Midterm 1 review
Midterm 2 review
Midterm 1 review by TA
Midterm 2 review by TA
The Viterbi Algorithm, by G. David Forney, JR., Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 61, No. 3, March 1973
Polar codes demo, by Erdal Arikan at Bilkent University
You and your research, advices on research by R. Hamming, 1986.
Fisher information and surface area, proof in Sec. 4, by M. Costa and T. Cover, 1983.
Water-filling solution, a derivation given by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe in Convex Optimization.
Quantization and compression, introductory lecture notes by Robert Gray, Stanford University, 2007.