
  1. Scaling up MINLPs via Branch-and-Bound and First Order Methods with applications to Structured Statistical Learning (Funded by Office of Naval Research).
  2. Improving Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for MILPs (Funded by Airforce Office of Scientific Research).
  3. General Framework for AI-Accelerated Power Systems Optimization (Funded by Argonne National Lab).
  4. SECURE–An Evidence-Based Approach for Cybersecurity(Funded by Sandia National Lab).
  5. Convexification of sub-structures for Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs (Funded by Office of Naval Research).
  6. Sparse Integer Programming (Funded by National Science Foundation). [link]
  7. Eager: Discrete Optimization Algorithms for 21st Century Algorithms (Funded by National Science Foundation). [link]
  8. CAREER: Non-traditional Cutting-Plane Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Programs (Funded by National Science Foundation). [link]
  9. Selective Optimization (Funded by Airforce Offce of Scientific Research). [link]
  10. Collaborative Research: Fundamentals of Convex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (Funded by National Science Foundation). [link]
  11. Large Scale Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming under Uncertainty Agency (Funded by Exxon-Mobil Research and Engineering).