In this paragraph we show that polytopes are convex sets. This
property is important for eventually proving the Fundamental Theorem
of LP. A set of points S in the n-dim space is convex, if
the line segment connecting any two points , belongs completely in S. According to the previous mathematical
definition of line segments, this definition of convexity is
mathematically expressed as:
Figure 8 depicts the concept.
To show that a polytope is a convex set, we first establish that the solution space of any linear constraint (i.e., hyperplanes and half-spaces) is a convex set. Since a polytope is the intersection of a number of hyperplanes and half-spaces, the convexity of the latter directly implies the convexity of the polytope (i.e., a line segment belonging to each defining hyperplane and/or half-space will also belong to the polytope).
To establish the convexity of the feasible region of a linear constraint, let's consider the constraint:
and two points satisfying it.
Then, for any
, we have:
Adding Equations 21 and 22, we get:
i.e., point belongs in the
solution space of the constraint.
A last concept that we must define before the statement of the
Fundamental Theorem of LP, is that of the extreme point of a
convex set. Given a convex set S, point is an
extreme point, if each line segment that lies completely in
S and contains point
, has
as an end point of
the line segment. Mathematically,