Distributed integer programming (Funded by ONR)
High performance computing for mixed-integer programming (Funded by Exxon-Mobil Research and Engineering)
Dynamic robust optimization for emerging energy systems (Funded by NSF)
Routing policies in Semiconductor Manufacturing (Funded by Samsung)
Exploiting submodularity in integer programming (Funded by NSF)
Selective Optimization (Funded by AFOSR)
Prosumer-based distributed autonomous cyber-physical architecture for ultra-reliable green electricity inter-networks (Funded by ARPA-E GENI)
Automated vehicle routing (Funded by Samsung Electronics)
Large scale mixed integer nonlinear programming under uncertainty (Funded by Exxon-Mobil Research and Engineering)
Optimization under probabilistic constraints (Funded by AFOSR)
Integer programming under uncertainty (Funded by NSF)
Network analysis using inverse optimization (Funded by NSF, ONR and DOT)
Extensions of stochastic programming (Funded by NSF)
Capacity expansion under forecast uncertainty (Funded by NSF)
Stochastic combinatorial optimization (Funded by NSF)
Real-time integer programming (Funded by NSF)
Optimization and simulation of automated float glass lines (Funded by AFG Industries)
Detergent formulation modeling and optimization (Funded by P&G Co.)
Optimization tools for automated and adaptive IMRT planning (Funded by Emory University)