This course is a continuation of ISyE 3103 that covers optimization models and case studies for logistics network design and logistics operations
This is the first time I will be teaching this courses. The syllabus is still under development and depends on the resources available to teach the course. As soon as all organizational issues have been resolved I will post the syllabus.
At that time you will be able to access the course syllabus in several ways:
You can access the presentation slides used in class for the syllabus presentation:
Starting with the Fall semester of 2011, I will use the text book Supply Chain Engineering, that I have written and which will be published by Springer on 01-Jul-2011. Since I am also teaching ISyE 3103 based based on the same text book, check also that location for the text book.
As in prior semesters I will make available through Barnes and Noble Georgia Tech Bookstore a complete set of my presentation slides, formatted four presentation slides to a page. This is an optional course resource. The sales price consists for 100% out of the production, distribution, and retailing costs.
Other course materials refer to homework, projects, additional notes, and cases studies, which change from semester to semester. The list of course materials is only active for courses that I am teaching in the current semester and be found on the T-Square section associated with this course.
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