ISyE 6202: Warehousing Systems

3-0-3 Credits

ISyE 6202 is one of the core courses in the Masters of Industrial Engineering (MSIE) program of study.

Catalogue Description

Topics include design and analysis of materials handling systems, warehouse layout, order picking strategies, warehousing inventories, warehouse management systems, integration of production and distribution systems.

Course Syllabus

You can access the course syllabus in several ways:

  1. You can view the syllabus online from the T-Square site.
  2. You can also view or download the file ISyE 6202 Syllabus.pdf, which contains the syllabus in the Adobe Acrobat 7.0 PDF format and can be printed on any postscript compatible printer or to any installed printer from the Acrobat Reader.

You can access the presentation slides used in the class presentation:

  1. You can view or download the file ISyE 6202 Syllabus Presentation.pdf, which contains the presentation overheads in overview format (four overheads per page). The file is in the Adobe Acrobat 7.0 PDF format and can be printed on any postscript compatible printer.

Course Materials

Additional course materials refer to homework, projects, additional notes, and cases studies, which change from semester to semester. The list of course materials is only active for courses that I am teaching in the current semester and be found on the T-Square section associated with this course. Class materials are no longer posted on this personal web site.

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