Yao Xie
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and minor in Mathematics
(Advisers: David Siegmund and Andrea Goldsmith)
Stanford University, 09/2006-01/2012
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering
University of Florida, 08/2004-08/2006
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Information Science
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), 09/2000-07/2004
Academic Positions
- Coca-Cola Foundation Chair and Professor
Georgia Tech, 2023-present
- Associate Director
Machine Learning Center
Georgia Tech, 2020-present
- Associate Professor
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Tech, 2019-2023
- Harold R. and Mary Anne Nash Early Career Professor
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Tech, 2017-2023
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech, 2018-present
- Assistant Professor
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Tech, 2013-2019
- Research Scientist
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Supervisers: Robert Calderbank and Rebecca Willett)
Duke University, 2011-2013
Academic Editorship
Associate Editors, Operations Research. 2024-
Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods (JASA-T&M). 2023-
Associate Editor, Annals of Applied Statistics. 2025-
- Associate Edito, Technometrics, 2025-
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2022-
- Associate Editor, American Statistician. 2021-
- Associate Editor, INFORMS Journal on Data Science. 2020-
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2018-2023.
- Associate Editor, New England Journal of Statistic in Data Science. 2022-
- Associate Editor, Sequential Analysis, Design Methods and Applications, by Taylor & Francis.
- Editorial Board Reviewer, Journal of Machine Learning Research.
- Leading Guest Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Area on Information Theory (JSAIT), Special Issue on "Sequential, active, and reinforcement learning". 2020.
- Guest Editor, IEEE Intelligent Systems Trends & Controversies (T&C), Special Issue on System Informatics, 2015.
- Area Chair, NeurIPS 2021-2023, ICML 2023-2024, ICLR 2024.
- Senior Program Committee, AAAI 2025.
Awards and Honors
- CWS Woodroofe Award, 2024.
- INFORMS Donald P. Gaver, Jr. Early Career Award for Excellence in Operations Research, 2022.
- Finalist for Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research, 2021.
- Georgia Tech Emerging Leaders Program, 2020.
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2017.
- Georgia Tech Serve-Learn-Sustain Fellow, 2017.
- Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow, Georgia Tech, 2015.
- General Yao-Wu Wang Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2007-2010.
- Pan Wen Yuan Scholarship, 2007.
- Alumni Fellowship, University of Florida, 2004-2006.
- Best Undergraduate Thesis Award, University of Science and Technology of China, 2004.
- Zongzhi Zhang Science and Technology Scholarship, 2003.
- First Prize, National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP), 1999.
Research Awards
- Best Paper Award Runner-Up, IJCAI Workshop on AI2TS (AI for Time Series), 2023.
- Winner, INFORMS Poster Competition, 2022.
- Winner, 17th INFORMS Data Mining & Decision Analytics Workshop, Applied Best Paper Competition, 2022.
- INFORMS Wagner Prize, Finalist, 2021.
- Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention, ICML Time Series Workshop, 2021.
- Best Paper for INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics, Second Place, 2020.
- Georgia Tech College of Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award (superviser), 2020.
- 2nd Place, INFORMS "Doing Good with Good OR" Paper Competition, 2019.
- ICASSP Best Student Paper Award, 2019.
- Runner-up, INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Prize, 2019.
- ``Smart 50'' Award at Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo, 2018.
- Finalist for INFORMS Social Media Analytics Best Student Paper Competition, 2018.
- Finalist for INFORMS QSR best student paper competition, 2017, 2018, 2019.
- Finalist of Best Student Paper Contest, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007.
- First Place of Best Student Paper Award, Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2005.
Funded Projects and Gifts
Office of Naval Research (ONR). Co-PI. Structure discovery in complex dynamic networks. 07/01/2024-06/30/2027. PI at Johns Hopkins: Carey E. Priebe.
National Science Foundation (NSF) DMS-2220495. PI. Collaborative Research: ATD: a-DMIT: a novel Distributed, MultI-channel, Topology-aware online monitoring framework of massive spatiotemporal data. 09/2023-08/2026.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CHE-2226663. Co-PI. MFB: Novel Graph Neural Networks to Understand, Predict, and Design Allosteric Transcription Factors. 09/2022-08/2025.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CNS-2220387. PI. Collaborative Research: IMR: MM-1A: MapQ: Mapping Quality of Coverage in Mobile Broadband Networks using Latent Gaussian Process Models. 10/2022-09/2025.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) DMS-2134037. PI. MODL: Bridging Statistical Hypothesis Tests and Deep Learning for Reliability and Computational Efficiency. 01/2022-12/2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CCF-1650913. PI. CAREER: Quick Detection for Streaming Data Over Dynamic Networks. 7/2017-6/2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF) EEC-2113821. Co-PI. IUCRC Planning Grant: Georgia Tech: Center for Digital Factory Innovations (CDFI). 7/2021-6/2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CMMI-2015787. Co-PI. Data-Driven Optimal Police Patrol Zone Districting and Staffing. 10/2020-9/2023.
National Science Foundation (NSF) DMS-1938106. PI. Sequential Detection and Prediction for Solar Situation Awareness in Power Networks. 8/2019-7/2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CMMI-1917624. Co-PI. Workshop on Decision Analytics for Dynamic Policing, in Arlington, Virginia; May 9-10, 2019. PI, Victoria C. Chen. Co-PIs, Yuan Zhou, Burcu B. Keskin, James P. Brooks, and Yao Xie. 3/2019-2/2020.
National Science Foundation (NSF) DMS-1830210. PI. ATD: Scanning Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Discrete Events for Threat Detection. 10/2018-9/2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF) CMMI-1538746. Co-PI. Combining statistical process control and optimization via simulation for robust sensor network design in the presence of sensor measurement error. 8/2015-12/2018. PI Seong-Hee Kim (Georgia Tech) and Co-PI Aral Mustafa (Georgia Tech).
National Science Foundation (NSF) CCF-1442635. PI. Collaborative Research: CyberSEES: Real-time ambient noise seismic imaging for subsurface sustainability. 1/2015-12/2019. Collaborating with PI WenZhan Song (University of Georgia) and PI Fan-Chi Lin (University of Utah).
- Emory Hospital. Co-PI. Sepsis Physiomarkers for Appropriate Risk Knowledge of monitored patients in the ICU (SPARK-ICU). 09/2021-06/2026.
- Emory Hospital. Co-PI. EQuitable, Uniform and Intelligent Time-based conformal Inference (EQUITI) Framework. 09/2021-06/2026.
- Rockefeller Foundation Grant, 2022 CLP 017. Part of CellWatch project, to develop a researcher- and citizen-friendly tool suite, which comprises an app for measuring mobile broadband availability and quality in the U.S. through dashboards with maps tailored to the needs of specific user populations, to understand mobile broadband gaps to ensure accessibility of healthcare, financial, and educational services. 7/1/2022 - 12/31/2023.
Meta Research. (Gift). Robust, scalable, and explainable online change-point detection algorithms for time-series data. 2022.
Atlanta Police Foundation Award. PI. Atlanta police zone redistricting considering neighborhood integrity using big-data
analytics and optimization. 6/2022-6/2023.
Argonne National Lab. PI. Data-driven resiliency model and prediction for large-scale power grids in extreme conditions. 7/2021-6/2022.
Cisco Research. Techniques to analyze and predict anomalous or erroneous situations in the supply chain and automatic adaption resulting from the analysis. Co-PI. 7/2021-6/2022.
Cisco Research. Demand planning optimization (including machine learning). Co-PI. 7/2021-6/2023.
Nissan. Co-PI. Smart vehicle distribution logistics. 1/2021-1/2022.
- Macy's Technology. Real-time anomaly detection of fraudulent transactions. 1/2019-12/2019.
- City of South Fulton. PI. Optimal police zone resign for the city of South Fulton using big-data analytics. 4/2019-12/2019.
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). PI at Georgia Tech. Predictive coating condition model for advanced asset management. 11/2019-12/2021. PI Fritz Friedersdorf (PI), Casey Jones (PI). Co-PI at Georgia Tech: Mark Losego, Josh Kacher.
Atlanta Police Foundation Award. PI. Optimal police zone redistribution using statistical predictions with city growth factors. 7/2018-12/2018.
SF Express. Co-PI. Data-driven courier scheduling and management for express services. 10/2017-9/2018. PI George Lan (Georgia Tech), Co-PI Enlu Zhou (Georgia Tech), Co-PI Alex Shapiro (Georgia Tech).
Adobe Research Gift Award. PI. Multi-arm bandit problems in non-stationary environments. 2017.
Atlanta Police Foundation Award. PI. Crime correlation detection from large-scale APD police report data. 7/2017-6/2018.
Georgia Tech IMAT Seed Grant Award. Dynamically Responsive Scanning Diffraction for High-Throughput Analysis of Phase Assemblage in Functional Complex Oxides". 10/2016-7/2017. Collaborating with J. Kacher and M. Losego at the School of Material Science, Georgia Tech.
Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP), Air Force Research Lab, Information Directorate, Summer 2016.
Georgia Family Foundation Seed Grant, Sequential blood pressure changepoint detection, founded in Feb. 2014. PI, Turgay Ayer (Georgia Tech).
NSF CNS-1551297. PI. NSF Student Travel Grant for the 10th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and System (WUWNet'15). 10/2015-3/2016.
Professional Service
- Elected IEEE SAM (Sensor Array and Multichannel) Technical Committee member, 2019-present.
- Elected Member of the IEEE MLSP (Machine Learning and Signal Processing Technical Committee, 2015-2018.
- Finance Chair, ACM 10th WUWNet 2015, Washington DC.
- Social Media and SigView Chair, 3rd IEEE GlobalSIP Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, December 2015, Orlando, Florida.
- Organizing Chair, Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Application (MOPTA), Lehigh University, 2014 special session on ``information theory and optimization.''
- Organizing Chair, Information Processing for Big Data symposium, 2nd IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, December 3-5, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Session Chair, IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Aug. 2012
- Session Chair, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Communications, Oct. 2013, Oct. 2012
- Session Chair, Third International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies, June, 2011.
- Reviewer for IEEE Trans. Information Theory, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Sel. Topic Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Annals Statistics, J. Royal Statistical Society Ser. B.