ISyE 3231 Deterministic Operations Research (Summer '99)

Instructor: Spyros Reveliotis
Room #: ISYE 316
Phone #: 894-6608
Office Hours: 2:00 - 3:00pm TU,TH (or by appointment)

Course Objective

This course is an introduction to Deterministic Operations Research with emphasis on Linear Programming . During the class lectures, emphasis will be placed on A third objective of the course is to expose the student to existing computational environments / packages that implement the theoretical results / algorithms. However, this objective will be primarily pursued through the homework assignments.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Operations Research and Mathematical Modeling
  2. Deterministic OR models:
  3. Solving Linear Programming formulations
  4. Solving Goal Programming formulations
  5. Solving Integer Programming formulations: the Branch \& Bound method
  6. Introduction to Non-linear optimization
  7. ``What-if'' and sensitivity analysis for LP problems
  8. Special LP structures:
  9. Duality theory (time permitting...)

Course Policies

Course reading material
