ISyE 3103 Introduction to Supply Chain Modeling:


Spring 2004


Instructor: Spyros Reveliotis

Room #: ISyE 316

Phone #: 894-6608




Office Hours: 10:00-11:00am MWF or by appointment


Course GTA�s and their Office Hours:

Siddhartha Maheshwary: 

Chayakrit Charoensiriwath: MW 2-3:30pm at the 1st Floor of the Dupree Building




Course Objective

This course is an introduction to the problems underlying the design and operation of contemporary supply chains, with a special emphasis on the logistical issues relating to the material and the information flow in these systems.


More specifically, the primary objectives sought by the course are as follows:

         A systematic description of the operations taking place in contemporary supply chains, and of the underlying design, planning and control problems.

         Familiarization of the student with the mathematical models and techniques that can support the systematic analysis of the identified problems.

         An introduction of some basic computational tools that can support the implementation of the presented analytical methodologies (mainly through the homework assignments).


A Tentative Course Outline

1.       Introduction: Course Objectives, Context, and Outline

2.       Supply Chain Structure and Operations

3.       Linking Supply Chain Management (SCM) to Corporate Strategy

4.       The primary levers of Supply Chain Strategy: The major role of Facilities, Transportation, Inventory and Information

5.       Market characterization: the role of (demand) forecasting in SCM and the prevailing forecasting techniques

6.       Transportation-related issues and models

7.       Facility-related problems

8.       Information Technology issues and Supply Chain Coordination

9.       E-Business models and issues


Course Policies


Homework: The homework will consist of conceptual, theoretical and computationally-oriented problems and projects / case studies. Collaboration towards its solution is allowed, but each student must turn in his/her work; photocopies will not be accepted. Homework must be turned in on the specified due date.


Exams: There will be 2 midterms and a final exam. Tentative exam dates are as follows:

         Midterm I: Monday, February 16

         Midterm II: Monday, March 29

         Final: TBA


Exams will be closed-book, with 2 pages of notes allowed. Furthermore, it is expected that your Academic Honor Code will be respected. Make-up exams and incompletes will be given only in case of emergencies, and only after officially documented proof is provided.



         Homework: 25%

         Midterm I: 20%

         Midterm II: 20%

         Final: 35%


Course Reading Material


         Textbook: S. Chopra and P. Meindl, Supply Chaim Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, Prentice Hall, 2001.

         Material posted at my homepage and/or the library (electronic) reserves site


Other useful references:


1.       Any other introductory book on Supply Chain Management and Logistics; e.g.,

         Ballou, R., �Business Logistics Management�, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998.

         Johnson, J., Wood, D., Wardlow, D. and Murphy, Jr., P., �Contemporary Logistics�, 7th ed., Prentice Hall, 1999. (a nice exposition of supply chain operations and the underlying issues)


2.       Journals and Magazines:

         IIE Solutions


         International Journal of Production Research

         Journal of Production and Operations Management

         IIE Transactions

         Operations Research

         Management Science