The SEMI Test Problems

Contributed by: Gyana Parija

The SEMI test problem suite consists of 3 instances of a two-stage multi-period stochastic integer program arising in the planning of semiconductor tool purchases. The problem formulation is described in [1]. The instances have mixed-integer first-stage variables and continuous second-stage variables.


The SMPS data for the three problem instances are contained in the zip file semi.ZIP. The zip file includes 1 core and 1 time file, and 3 stoch files corresponding to three scenario numbers (2,3,and 4). The size of the deterministic equivalent problem for three instances are tabulated below.

Problem    Scen    Cols     Int     Rows
SEMI2        2     20216    612    11686
SEMI3        3     30018    612    17528
SEMI4        4     39820    612    23370


The following table presents the upper and lower bounds obtained using IBM OSLSE on an IBM Thinkpad Model 770 (with 233 MHz speed
and 256 MB RAM) running Windows NT 4.0.


Problem    UB        LB      % Gap     CPUs     Nodes        Iter
SEMI2    1545.5    1457.1     6.1     2,164     7,153       93,118
SEMI3    1808.1    1745.4     3.6     8,914    28,410      383,787
SEMI4    2197.2    2148.4     2.3    27,519    61,192    1,125,986


[1] F. Barahona, S. Bermon, O. Gunluk,  and S. Hood. "Robust Capacity Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing," IBM Research Report RC22196, 2001.