The mpTSPs Test Problems


Contributed by Luca Gobbato, Guido Perboli and Francesca Maggioni


The test problem suite consists of data and computational results for 5 two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs arising in City Logistics contexts. More precisely, given a graph characterized by a set on nodes connected by arcs, in the mpTSPs we consider that, for every pair of nodes, we have multiple paths between the two nodes. Each path is characterized by a random travel time which can be decomposed in the sum of a deterministic term and a stochastic term, which represents the travel time oscillation due to the path congestion.


The problem formulation is described in [1, 2], while the instance generation is reported in [2]. The problems have pure binary first-stage and second-stage variables. All possible discrete values that the random variable can assume, are represented by a set of 100 scenarios and are assumed to be exogenous to the problem. The data files are contained in the zipped folder The format is described in Format_Instance.txt contained in the data folder.


The following table presents the instance set. The instances are named MPTSPs_Dd_n, where d is the number of potential server locations, n is the nodes distribution strategies [2] and n is the potential number of customers.


Table 1:  Instance set

Name Node distribution Customers Scenarios
MPTSPs_D0_50 City center 54 100
MPTSPs_D1_50 Suburban area 55 100
MPTSPs_D2_50 City center and Suburban area (3:1) 56 100
MPTSPs_D3_50 City center and Suburban area (1:1) 56 100
MPTSPs_D1_100 Suburban area 105 100


Computational results are given in Table 2. The CPLEX 12.5 was used for solving the stochastic problems to optimality. For each instance we solved:


Table 2: Computational Results

Name RP EEV GLUSS 25% GLUSS 50% GLUSS 75% GLUSS 100%
MPTSPs_D0_50 23544.2 24537.3 23544.2 24064.1 24278.4 24537.3
MPTSPs_D1_50 15250.7 15964.3 15250.7 15250.7 15821.8 15964.3
MPTSPs_D2_50 16509.8 16836.3 16509.8 16509.8 16631.5 16836.3
MPTSPs_D3_50 11898.7 12173.4 11898.7 11972.5 12090.1 12173.4
MPTSPs_D1_100 22094 22855.6 22094 22094 22119.7 22855.6


The complete solutions are included in the zipped folder containing data files.



[1] Roberto Tadei, Guido Perboli, Francesca Perfetti, The multi-path Traveling Salesman Problem with stochastic travel costs, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2014


[2] Guido Perboli, Luca Gobbato, Francesca Maggioni, A Progressive Hedging method for the multi-path Traveling Salesman Problem with stochastic travel times, submitted to Journal of Management Mathematics, 2014


[3] Francesca Maggioni, Stein W. Wallace, Analyzing the quality of the expected value solution in stochastic programming, Annals of Operations Research, 2010


[3] Francesca Maggioni, Guido Perboli, Generalized skeleton solution in two-stage stochastic programming, in preparation