
Photo by Lluis Munguia

Rodolfo Anghello Carvajal Vieyte

e-mail: javracor (in reverse order) AT gatech DOT edu


I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Operations Research at ISyE - GATech and an Instructor at the School of Business at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. I studied Mathematical Engineering (Applied Math) at Universidad de Chile.


Mixed Integer Linear Programming (theory, applications and computational methodologies), Combinatorial Optimization, Operations Research. I'm currently working on exploring parallel approaches to solving Integer Programming problems, under the advice of Prof. George Nemhauser, Prof. Shabbir Ahmed, and Prof. David Bader.


Technical reports

You can also check my Google Scholar profile.

Refereed for:

Collaborators and colleagues:

Marcos Goycoolea, Andrés Weintraub, Miguel Constantino, Juan Pablo Vielma, Martín Matamala, Iván Rapaport, Nicolas Schabanel, Gustavo Angulo, Diego Morán, Cristóbal Guzmán, Guido Lagos


H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
755 Ferst Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0205
Office: Room 422

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