Senior design project requiring student to formulate a project plan with an off-campus enterprise. Includes specific milestones, targets, and evaluation criteria.
You can view or download the file ISyE 4106 Syllabus Fall 2009, which contains the syllabus for all the senior design projects during this semester.
You can view or download the file ISyE 4106 Syllabus Additions Fall 2009, which contains the additions to the syllabus that are specific to the groups adviced by me.
Your personal contribution is in part based on the group self evaluations. There will be three such evaluations that are due during the presentation to the client. You can download the evaluation form at Group Project at Proposal Stage Evaluation Form
The files are in the Adobe Acrobat 6.0 PDF format and can be printed on any postscript compatible printer or can be viewed and printed with the Adobe Acrobat reader. This reader can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe's web site
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