In order to navigate and view the pages of my web site, you must have a browser capable of retrieving items that have spaces in their URL, such as Microsoft Explorer 3.02 and higher. Click on the button to the left to download and install Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
It appears that the Netscape Navigator browser cannot retrieve items with one or more spaces in their URL. If you cannot see the danger sign to the left of this text, then your browser cannot handle spaces in URLs and you will have trouble visiting my web site. Most likely you will encounter numerous "Error 404: Page not found" errors. |
You must Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or newer to display or print course materials and research papers in PDF format. Click on the button to the left to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader. |
Version 3.0 of the Acrobat Reader displays a color map error when reading the PDF files. |
If your browser is not capable of handling URL's with spaces, you can view the pages of my web site or download files by substituting %20 (percent sign followed by numerals two and zero) for every space in the URL's. |
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