
Importing Data Files from Previous Versions

The current version of the Spiral program can import data files created by the previous version 3.63 of the Spiral program with the Import command of the File Menu.

A project is completely described by two files. The first file is the Project Data file that holds all the scalar information about this project. The second file is the Department Data file that contains all department and relationship data.

The differences in the data files for this previous version of Spiral compared to the current version are given next.

The Project Data file does not contain a [data_version] field. Projects imported from the previous versions of Spiral will get internally the data version 363 assigned.

The Department Data file does not contain the corner coordinates of the departments, even if the project has been exported whit a layout. The last line in the Department Data file is always the terminating line of the relationships "OUT OUT ~ 0".
