The number of novel applications of multi-agent systems has followed an exponential growth over the last few years, ranging from online auction design, through multi-sensor networks, to scheduling of tasks in multi-actor systems. Multi-agent systems designed for these applications, generally, involve solving some form of optimization problems and have to cope with several important issues, including:- Open Systems: algorithms to compute solutions to mechanisms that deal with different stakeholders, who may be self-interested or may have different computation or communication capabilities from their peers.
- Distributed Algorithms: algorithms that are across different system components, such as those that deal with agents that are tied to physical devices. This involves considerations of computation and communication constraints, and the possibility of failures of the components and/or communication links.
- Privacy concerns: solving optimization problems while preserving the privacy of the information exchanged.
- Solution quality bounds: problems requiring anytime and/or approximate algorithms with quality bounds.
- Robust optimization: techniques to deal with optimizations that are repeated with only slight changes in the input data and/or with unreliable input data, which require solutions that are robust to these differences.
- Highly parallel architectures: e.g., multi-core, GPGPU, which deal with large-scale problems with massive data and task parallelism.
Topics of Interest
- Distributed constraint optimization/satisfaction
- Winner determination algorithms in auctions
- Coalition formation algorithms
- Algorithms to compute Nash and other equilibria in games
- Optimization under uncertainty
- Optimization with incomplete or dynamic input data
- Algorithms for real-time applications
- GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)
- Multi-core and many-core computing
- Cloud, distributed and grid computing
Submission Information
Conference submission site:
Submissions should conform to the LNCS Springer format, the style file or Word templates
can be found at
Submissions should include the name(s), affiliations, and email addresses of all authors.
We welcome the submission of papers rejected from the AAMAS 2019 and IJCAI 2019 technical program.
Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance, and
clarity. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two program committee members.
Submission Types
- Long Papers: Full-length research papers detailing work in progress or work that could potentially be published at a major conference. These papers should not exceed *15* pages in LCNS format (excluding bibliography and appendices).
- Short Papers: Position or demo papers that describe initial work or an application that has not yet been evaluated on the topics of interest. These papers should not exceed *5* pages in the LNCS format (excluding bibliography and appendices).
For questions about the submission process, contact the workshop co-chairs.
Important Dates
March 12 - Submission Deadline (extended)April 10 - Acceptance NotificationApril 27 - Camera-Ready Deadline- Tuesday May 14, 2019 - Workshop Date (Full day)
Technical Program
Location: Room: MB 9C- 9:15 - 9:30: Opening Statement
- 9:30 - 10:30:
Session I: Distributed Optimization
Session Chair: Gauthier Picard - Khoi D. Hoang, Christabel Wayllace, William Yeoh, Jacob Beal, Soura Dasgupta, Yuanqiu Mo, Aaron Paulos, and Jon Schewe
New Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Algorithms for Load Balancing in Edge Computing: A Feasibility Study - Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard and Fano Ramparany
pyDCOP: a DCOP library for Dynamic IoT Systems - Khoi Hoang, Ferdinando Fioretto, William Yeoh, Enrico Pontelli and Roie Zivan
An Iterative Local Search Scheme with Quality Guarantees for Multi-Agent Optimization - 10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break
- 11:00 - 12:00: Invited Talk: Pascal Van Hentenryck
- 12:00 - 12:30: Panel Discussion
- 12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break
- 14:00 - 15:00
Session II: Game Theory
Session Chair: David Mguni - Xinrun Wang, Milind Tambe, Branislav Bosansky and Bo An
When Players Affect Target Values:Modeling and Solving Dynamic Partially Observable Security Games
Best Paper Award Nominee - Mohammad Sujan Miah, Omkar Thakoor, Oscar Veliz, Marcus Gutierrez and Christopher Kiekintveld
Concealing Cyber-Decoys using Two-Sided Feature Deception Games - Jiarui Gan, Haifeng Xu, Qingyu Guo, Long Tran-Thanh, Zinovi Rabinovich and Michael Wooldridge
Imitative Follower Deception in Stackelberg Games - 15:00 - 15:30: Demo:
Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard and Fano Ramparany
The pyDCOP tool - 15:30 - 16:00: Coffee break
- 16:00 - 17:00:
Session III: Learning
Session Chair: Ferdinando Fioretto - David Mguni
A Stochastic Game Approach to Fault Tolerant Reinforcement Learning - David Mguni
Fault-Tolerant Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Time - Bryan Wilder, Jackson Killian, Amit Sharma, Vinod Choudhary, Bistra Dilkina and Milind Tambe
Integrating optimization and learning to prescribe interventions for tuberculosis patients
Best Paper Award Winner - 17:00 - 18:00:
Session IV: Agent Behaviors
Session Chair: TBD -
Matteo Murari, Alessandro Farinelli and Riccardo Sartea
Identifying agent behaviors using Markov chain long-term probabilities - Shusuke Shigenaka, Shunki Takami, Masaki Onishi, Tomohisa Yamashita and Itsuki Noda
Estimating Pedestrian Flow in Crowded Situations with Data Assimilation - Marcus Gutierrez, Jakub Černý, Noam Ben-Asher, Efrat Aharonov-Majar, Anjon Basak, Branislav Bošanský, Christopher Kiekintveld and Cleotilde Gonzalez
Evaluating Models of Human Behavior in an Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
Invited Speaker

Pascal Van Hentenryck
Georgia Institute of Technology
Pascal Van Hentenryck is the A. Russell Chandler III Chair and Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is an INFORMS Fellow and a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). He holds two honorary doctoral degrees and is the recipient of an NSF Young Investigator Award, the 2006 ACP Award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming, the 2002 ICS INFORMS Award for Research Excellence at the Intersection of Computer Science and Operations Research, and the Philip J. Bray Award for teaching excellence in the physical sciences at Brown University. Van Hentenryck is the designer of several optimization systems that are widely used commercially. His current research is focusing artificial intelligence, data science, and operations research with applications in energy systems, mobility, and privacy.
Optimization of Large-Scale Mobility Systems
The convergence of several technology enablers, including ubiquitous connectivity, autonomous vehicles, and sophisticated analytics, provides unique opportunities to fundamentally transform mobility in the next decade. This talk reviews a number of new mobility concepts to solve the first/last mile problem, congestion, parking pressure, and greenhouse gas emissions and the optimization and machine learning technology to power them. Evaluations on real-case studies are also presented.
Panel Discussion
Topic Distributed Optimization and Machine Learning
Panel Discussion
Topic Distributed Optimization and Machine LearningMembers
Program Committee
- Bo An - Nanyang Technological University
- Ana L. C. Bazzan - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Filippo Bistaffa - IIIA-CSIC
- Agostino Dovier - University of Udine
- Alessandro Farinelli - University of Verona
- Rica Gonen - Open University of Israel
- Tal Grinshpoun - Ariel University
- Katsutoshi Hirayama - Kobe University
- Christopher Kiekintveld - University of Texas at El Paso
- Sven Koenig - University of Southern California
- Amnon Meisels - Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Gauthier Picard - Laboratoire Hubert Curien MINES Saint-Etienne
- Enrico Pontelli - New Mexico State University
- Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar - IIIA-CSIC
- Marius Silaghi - Florida Institute of Technology
- Mohamed Wahbi - Insight, University College Cork
- Harel Yedidsion - University of Texas, Austin
- William Yeoh - Washington University in St. Louis
- Makoto Yokoo - Kyushu University
Workshop Co-Chairs:- Ferdinando Fioretto - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Long Tran-Thanh - University of Southampton
- Roie Zivan - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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