+                           First Announcement 

               The First Annual Southeastern Probability Days

                         September 29 & 30, 1995
                      Center for Applied Probability

                             Georgia Tech

    The recently formed Center for Applied Probability at Georgia Tech
will hold a regional conference on Friday and Saturday, September 29th and
30th.  We are fortunate to have Larry Shepp from Bell Laboratories as the
keynote speaker.  Dr. Shepp will be giving two talks.  The first talk is on
"Tomography as an application of probability," and the second is "The
Russian option - an application of probability to finance." 
     If you are interested in participating, please let us know by
September 1 (or earlier if possible so that we can get a handle on the
number of attendees).  There is a limited amount of funds available which
will be used to defray travel or lodging expenses for some conference
attendees.  Priority will be given to people coming from outside of 
Atlanta and to graduate students and junior faculty members.  
     We are attempting to keep the costs of attending the conference low. 
More information on housing will be forthcoming.  Currently, we are hoping
to require no conference fee.  If you have questions about the conference,
please e-mail

Christian Houdre houdre@math.gatech.edu
Bob Foley        rfoley@isye.gatech.edu
     The Center for Applied Probability was recently formed and is being
run by a group of faculty members in the Mathematics and ISyE Departments
at Georgia Tech:  Jim Dai, Bob Foley, Ted Hill, Christian Houdre, Bob
Kertz, Dick Serfozo.  If you are interested in applied probability and
would like to subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) the CAP mailing list, please
send an e-letter to
   ap-announce-request@math.gatech.edu with a subject line containing
"subscribe" or "unsubscribe" (without quotes, of course).  Future
information about the conference will be broadcast to the CAP mailing
list.  Please tell your colleagues about both the CAP mailing list and the 
Southeastern Probability Days in case they are not yet on the CAP mailing 

     If you plan to attend the conference, please supply the type of
information requested below. The stuff in the curly brackets {} is what
you need to supply.  Please e-mail the information to
or send via regular mail to 

Lorraine Shaw
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Tech,
Atlanta, GA 30332


%If you plan to attend please send the info in this block
\Name{Robert D. Foley}
\Affiliation{Georgia Tech}
\Address{Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering \\
Georgia Tech \\
Atlanta, GA  30332}

%If you wish to give a paper please include the following type of info
\Title{Conditions for finite moments of waiting times in G/G/1 queues}
\Coauthor(s){Daryl J. Daley, Tomasz Rolski}
\Abstract{We find conditions for the $E(W^\gamma)$ to be finite in a 
$G/G/1$  queue.}

%If your paper is part of a session being formed, please include
\SessionOrganizer(s){R. Serfozo}
\SessionTitle{$G/G/1$ Queues}

%If you would like to be considered for travel funds, please include the 
\Employer{Georgia Tech}