Number Theory Example

When introducing a new programming language, it is a long-standing traditional to demonstrate it by generating prime numbers. (This tradition predates the appearance of text in software, and a newer tradition of generating "Hello, Word!", which Hava cannot do.) Prime numbers also provide an excuse to reference some jokes from this website.

Prime Numbers

A prime number (or a prime) is an integer that is divisible only by 1 and itself. By convention, the integer one is not considered to be prime. We shall use Hava to enumerate all prime numbers up to 100.

We proceed in three steps:

Click here to view this Hava program.

Prime Factorization

The prime factorization problem is to express a given integer as a product of prime numbers. For example, 12 = 2 × 2 × 3. The integer k is a prime factor of n if two conditions hold: it is prime, and it is a factor of n. However, it is not enough to determine whether k is a prime factor of n; we must also determine how many times it can be divided into n. Click here to view a Hava program that performs prime factorization (three different ways!).

Perfect Numbers

A perfect number is a positive integer that is the sum of its positive divisors (excluding the number itself).
Click here to view a Hava program that finds perfect numbers.

Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci numbers are the following sequence of numbers:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …
The first two Fibonacci numbers are given, and each remaining number is the sum of the previous two. In Hava, this can be expressed as:
F(n) = if (n>1) {F(n-2)+F(n-1)} else if (n==1) {1} else {0};
(By convention, the zero-th Fibonacci number is zero, but the first two are one.)

The n-th Finonacci number can also be interpreted as the number of sequences of 1s and 2s that sum to n-1. Here the order of the summands matters. For example, 1 + 2 and 2 + 1 are considered two different sums. As an exercise, let's use Hava to test whether these two definitions are equivalent (at least, for the first ten values).

It's easy to test whether a given sequence S of 1s and 2s sums to a given value:

function isSeqValid(S, n) = (seqSum(S) == n-1);
function seqSum(S) = sum(j in S) {j};
Let S(k) denote the list of all sequences of 1s and 2s of length k. In terms of S(k),
G(n) = sum(k = 0 to n-1, S in S(k)) {isSeqValid(S, n)};
It remains to generate each S(k). This can be done recursively by joining either a 1 or 2 to each element in S(k-1).
S(n) = 
  if (n>0) 
    {collect(S in S(n-1), s=1 to 2) {join(S, s)}} 
The final step is to check whether G(n) equals F(n).

Click here to view the program that compares these two ways to generate Fibonacci numbers.