Jye-Chyi (JC) Lu

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
765 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0205

e-mail: jclu@isye.gatech.edu
Office: Groseclose Building, Room 312 (inside 306 suite)
phone: (404) 894-2318; fax: (404) 894-2301

Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Wisconsion, 1988. Teaching and research at NCSU from 1988 to 1999 and at GT from 1999 -

Current Research Interests: Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Data Mining, Industrial Statistics, Reliability, Semiconductor Manufacturing, Nano-Technology, Biomedical Data Analysis and Spatial Modeling

Class: (Spring 2013) ISYE 4803 (Section A) - Business Analytics, TR 9:35 to 10:55 am at ??? (TBA)

Class: (Spring 2013) ISYE 7406 (Section A) - Data Mining and Statistical Learning, TR 12:05 to 1:25 pm at IC 119

Class: (Summer 2011) ISyE 6414 RSH - Statistical Modeling and Regression Analysis

Class: (Spring 2011) ISYE 3770 (Section A) Statistics and Applications, TR 3:05 to 4:25 pm at Howey (Physics Building) L1

Class: (Summer 2011) ISyE 6783 RSH & Q - Financial Data Analysis

Class: (Fall 2011) ISYE 2028 (Section B) Basic Statistical Methods, MWF 9:05 to 9:55 am at IC #209

Class: (Fall 2011) ISYE 3039 (Section A) Methods for Quality Improvement, MW 3:05 to 4:25 pm at Weber SST III