ISYE 6340 Global Supply Chain Seminar, Spring 2024


The Global Supply Chain Seminar is a core component of Georgia Tech’s MS in Supply Chain Engineering degree program. The course includes site visits where we travel as a group to see first-hand the operations of supply chain facilities of many types. The course also includes presentations on modern supply chain topics by guest speakers, both on-campus and via virtual seminars. Students are immersed in the supply chain domain to observe supply chain practice first-hand.


Class discussion

The GSC Seminar is designed to encourage discussion and questions so that students can form opinions and critique the state-of-practice in the supply chain domain. Students in the course will be graded in part on participation. Please be prepared to contribute to class discussions; for virtual seminars, it is best if you turn your video on so please dress appropriately for guest lectures.

Site visits

It is very important that you arrive on time for all events, but especially for site visits. The bus will depart ruthlessly on schedule. The loading location will be the corner of Hemphill Ave. and 8th Street, in front of the Crecine Apartments.

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You may not travel separately to the site unless you have made prior arrangements with the instructors.

All of the sites we will visit are workplaces and appropriate dress is business casual. Furthermore, many of these are industrial sites and safety is a concern. Do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes, shoes with heels more than one inch high, or hoodies. Do not wear dangling clothing, such as scarves, or dangling jewelry. If you have long hair, put it up above your shoulders. Students not meeting the dress requirements will not be allowed to join the tour.

Bring a photo ID, a notepad, pen, and camera (but take no pictures until we have asked permission). Leave backpacks, purses, coats, etc. on the bus.


Sites or visitors may reschedule on short notice so check this schedule frequently, and especially the morning before a site visit. Additional calendar dates will be released as the schedule becomes more firm. Green rows will indicate days when we meet either in the classroom for a lecture, guest speaker, or for an interactive discussion. Blue rows will be for facility tours, and meeting times will be specified. Yellow rows will be either asynchronous sessions or webinars that can be viewed remotely. Red rows will be days with no scheduled activities.

Date Mode Topic Notes
Jan 8 In-person MS SCE Spring 2024 Orientation An orientation for the Spring 2024 MS SCE program will be presented, and student questions will be answered.
Jan 10 In-person Introduction Introduction to course. Student introductions. Slides available on course Canvas.
Jan 15 No class Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday We will not hold class today. For those who may not know, Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta in the Auburn Avenue area just east of downtown and he did much of his important work based here. The US maintains a National Historic Park in the area, and it is worth a visit before you leave Atlanta.
Jan 17 In-person Supply chain fundamentals Supply chain fundamentals. Slides available on course Canvas.
Jan 22 No class We will not hold class today.
Jan 24 No class SCL Supply Chain Day Students should attend Supply Chain Day. This career fair event is designed to help supply chain students find internships and full-time positions.
Jan 29 Guest speaker International supply chains Guest speaker Bruce Cutler will deliver an in-person seminar on furniture supply chains. Domestic and international supply chains are compared with a discussion of the critical issues required for international supply chain execution.
Jan 31 Facility Tour: Americold Brick-and-mortar retail We will tour two cold-storage distribution facilities, one relying on automation and the other traditional. Americold serves both food producers and retailers as customers. Bus departs 11:15 am and returns by 3:30 pm.
Feb 5 Discussion Food supply chains Class discussion on key issues in food supply chains. Retail and food service systems. Role of cold-chain providers.
Feb 7 Guest speaker Supply chain technology Guest speaker Chris Gaffney will deliver an in-person seminar on multi-enterprise supply chains and digital technologies. Mr. Gaffney is the new managing director of GT's Supply Chain and Logistics Institute and a former vice president of supply chain strategy at Coca-Cola.
Feb 12 No class No class meeting
Feb 14 Discussion Multi-organization global supply chains Class discussion on key issues in the design, planning, and operation of global supply chains. What is changing in the world influencing the global economy and globalization of supply chains?
Feb 19 No class No class meeting
Feb 21 Facility Tour: Carter's Omni-channel retail We will tour an omni-channel distribution facility operated by Carter's, a clothing retailer. The facility serves retail locations and e-commerce direct fulfillment. This afternoon tour should return by 4:30 pm.
Feb 26 Discussion Omni-channel retail Class discussion on modern retailing. Omni-channel distribution facilities in the supply chain. Introduction to the Amazon e-commerce system.
Feb 28 Discussion E-commerce retail E-retail logistics systems. The Amazon physical goods logistics system; roles of buildings, network structure.
Feb 29 (Special Leap Day event) Virtual Tour: Amazon FC 2024 E-commerce retail At 4 pm, we will join a live but virtual tour of Amazon FCs. Please register and participate. See course Canvas announcements for more information.
Mar 4 Discussion E-commerce retail Fulfillment centers. Each-picking and robotics/co-robotics.
Mar 6 No class No class meeting
Mar 11 No class No class meeting
Mar 13 Trade Show Tour: MODEX 2024 Logistics technology MODEX 2024 is coming to Atlanta! Every two years, this trade show brings together an exhibition of modern supply chain and logistics technology. We will participate in a guided tour of the show floor.
Mar 18, 20 No class We will not hold class during the Georgia Tech Spring Break week.
Mar 25 Discussion Logistics technology Discussion on the MODEX trade show and technology advancements in logistics.
Mar 27 Facility Tours: Mohawk and GPA Manufacturing and international trade We will travel to north Georgia for an all-day visit to two facilities. First, we will see the Mohawk flooring manufacturing plant and then we will visit the Georgia Ports Authority Appalachian Regional Port (ARP). Bus departs at 7:15 am from the meeting location!
Apr 1 Discussion Manufacturing logistics and international trade Discussion on manufacturing in the US, logistics issues for manufacturing facilities, and facilitating international trade.
Apr 3 No class No class meeting
Apr 8 Guest speaker Supply chain technology Guest speaker Adam Kline will deliver an in-person seminar on supply chain digital technology. Adam is Senior Director of Product Management at Manhattan Associates, a leading supplier of logistics execution and planning software.
Apr 10 No class No class meeting
Apr 15 Facility Tour: Yamaha Manufacturing logistics We will travel to an assembly facility for Yamaha vehicles. Bus will depart early morning and return by lunch.
Apr 17 Discussion Course wrap up Final discussion on the state of the practice in the supply chain and logistics industry.
Apr 22 No class No class meeting
Apr 24 MS Supply Chain Engineering Spring Luncheon We will celebrate the end of the semester with a luncheon. We will begin at 12 noon in the ISyE Main Atrium; see you there!