ISYE 6336 SCE II: Freight Transportation, Spring 2025


This course provides an in-depth study of freight transportation systems and engineering approaches for the design, planning, and control of such systems. Selected freight systems will be studied in depth, and we will introduce important decision problems, optimization models, and solution approaches for these systems. We will focus only on models that allow us to support decisions at the scale required in practice. Students will practice implementing such models using the tools required to solve practically-sized instances.


Below find the schedule of topics that are covered in ISYE 6336 and the course meeting details. The mode will indicate whether the class will be held in-person or whether it will be held remotely by MS Teams meeting. The color will indicate the type of class meeting: a green box indicates lecture material, a blue box will be a discussion session covering content that should be reviewed in advance, a yellow box is for exam dates, and a red box will alert students to other important dates.

Date Mode Topic Notes
Jan 6 In-person Introduction Introduction to freight transportation systems. Slides available on course Canvas. Please also review these slides covering the fundamentals of freight transport logistics.
Jan 8 In-person Introduction to freight transportation Freight transportation introduction continued. Slides available on course Canvas.
Jan 13 In-person Ocean freight transportation systems Introduction to ocean freight transportation. Slides available on course Canvas.
Jan 15 In-person, 12:30 pm Static flow models Principles of modeling transportation systems with flows. Building static flow models for transportation analysis and decision-making. Note special meeting time from 12:30 - 1:45 pm.
Jan 20 No class Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday We will not hold class today. For those who may not know, Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta in the Auburn Avenue area just east of downtown and he did much of his important work based here. The US maintains a National Historic Park in the area, and it is worth a visit before you leave Atlanta.
Jan 22 Remote Static flow models Deterministic queueing analysis using cumulative curves. Note remote meeting with GT on Modified Operations.
Jan 27 In-person Static flow models Batching transportation dispatch. Analysis via static flow models.
Jan 29 Asynchronous Static flow models Cyclic models of resource flows. Note: no class meeting today, I will release a recorded lecture on this material.
Feb 3 In-person Sizing fleets and moving empties Batching transportation dispatch. Static flow analysis for sizing fleets of mobile resources. Simple cyclic empty movement models.
Mar  11 In-person Midterm Examination To save time in class, the Midterm Exam will be moved forward one week and will be conducted in a take-home format due on March 11. Details will be provided soon.
Mar 17, 19 No class We will not hold class during the Georgia Tech Spring Break week.