
I teach courses primarily on the optimization of transportation systems, with a focus on freight transportation systems, to both undergraduate and graduate students. I have also taught operations research methodology courses to students in the Georgia Tech M.S. in Supply Chain Engineering program and I lead the Global Supply Chain Seminar course, which focuses on developing an in-depth understanding of the logistics and supply chain engineering domain.

Current Course Websites (Spring 2025)

  • ISYE 6336: Supply Chain Engineering II: Freight Transportation (Website, Canvas)
  • ISYE 6340: Global Supply Chain Seminar (Website, Canvas)

Other Courses

  • ISYE 3103: Introduction to Supply Chain Modeling: Logistics (BS)
  • ISYE 7203: Logistics Systems Engineering (Ph.D.)
  • ISYE 6333: Operations Research I for Supply Chain Engineers: Optimization (MS)
  • ISYE 6334: Operations Research II for Supply Chain Engineers: Probabilistic Models (MS)
  • ISYE 6203: Transportation and Supply Chain Systems (MS)