Here is another view of the same scene, but with a different lens, and portrait instead of landscape.
The gravestones in Ireland look very different than those in the U.S. I think it's a little bit tacky to take photos in graveyards (especially ones still being used), but this scene was too dramatic to pass up.
This was taken near the shore of a beach near the tiny town of Allihies, which is on the NW corner of the peninsula.
This looked like a lot of fun, but I think it would have been a little strange if I had asked to join in.
Ireland prides itself on its beef. I don't think that these cows realize that they are not, in fact cows, but beef. Neither do I think that they appreciate the beautiful surroundings that they live there lives amongst. These cows lived on a hill overlooking Allihies.
The vegetation and hedges along the roads on the Beara threaten to take over the roads completely. Sometimes, it seemed like the road was disappearing into the green tangles.
Generally, the signs in Ireland are not as confusing as they appear to be here. Usually, there is no English - only Irish.
These cows could be described in a similar fashion as those above. However, these lived on Glanmore Lake near the small town of Lauragh.
This house was on the tiny road to Glanmore Lake.