The Minority Undergraduate Scholars Engineering Research Program (MUSERP) at Georgia Tech
The program is year round. High performing students are identified early on and encouraged to
apply to the program. Selected students are assisted to find a faculty advisor who will agree to mentor them
and who are committed to the vision and mission of the program. Students must present their work as technical
papers in the Chapte's Annual Technical Paper Symposium. The students are groomed and encouraged to submit
their papers to the NSBE national technical competitions. Students receive stipends for their research work
and are provided expenses paid trips to the regional and national competitions. When fully developed and
operational, some minimal budget for faculty mentors may be made available for materials and supplies.
Successful attainment of the above mission will place the Georgia Tech Chapter in an anchored and
enviable position as the leading Chapter in NSBE as well as continue to be the catalyst for other
NSBE members to consider Georgia Tech as their #1 university of choice for graduate school.
>> More about the MUSERP program - [.pdf-95KB]
Dynamic Programming
Theory and applications
Algorithm development
Nonserial networks
Fuzzy Sets and Decision Making and Control in a Fuzzy
Implications for artificial intelligence
Modeling of imprecision
Vagueness and approximate reasoning
Neural networks
Optimal control theory
Optimal control of stochastic and uncertain systems
Large scale systems
Design, analysis, and optimization
Evaluation of complex systems
Decision support systems.
Operations research
Health care
Water resources
Environmental pollution
Urban systems
Development problems of less developed countries
Health Systems Research
Manpower planning and programming
Delivery units design and optimization
Surgical and anesthesia related studies (analysis and
computerization possibilities)
Medical decision making via computers
Computer-aided decision support systems
Artificial intelligence.